Synthesis and Structures of Symmetric Bridged 8-Aminoquinolinyl Derivatives and Their Zirconium Complexes
王鹏 山西大学化学化工学院, 太原 030006  
李中元 山西大学化学化工学院, 太原 030006  
冯颖 山西大学化学化工学院, 太原 030006  
薛小燕 山西大学化学化工学院, 太原 030006  
陈霞 山西大学化学化工学院, 太原 030006 chenxia@sxu.edu.cn 
摘要: 以8-氨基喹啉和8-氨基喹哪啶为原料,通过锂化再与二甲基二氯硅烷反应,分别得到对称的桥联配体Me2Si[NH(C9H6N)]21a),Me2Si[NCH3(C9H5N)]2 (1b)。1a1b分别与2倍物质的量的正丁基锂反应,然后与ZrCl4作用得到2种配位模式不同的硅桥联取代8-氨基喹啉锆配合物Zr{Me2Si[N(C9H6N)]2}22)和Zr{Me2Si[NCH3(C9H5N)]2}Cl23)。化合物1~3通过1H NMR、13C NMR和元素分析进行表征,23通过X-射线单晶衍射确定其晶体结构。结果表明配合物2的中心Zr原子与8个N原子配位,属于变形十二面体结构,单晶属于三斜晶系;配合物3的中心Zr原子与4个N原子和2个Cl原子配位,属于变形八面体,单晶属于正交晶系。
关键词: 8-氨基喹啉  桥联  锆配合物  合成  晶体结构
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.20942009,21072120);山西省科技攻关计划(No.20110321055);山西省回国留学人员科研资助项目(No.2013010)。
Abstract: Treatment of 8-aminoquinoline and 8-aminoquinadine with n-BuLi in Et2O followed by reacting with dimethyl dichlorosilane, give symmetrical bridged quinolinyl ligands Me2Si[NH(C9H6N)]2 (1a) and Me2Si[NCH3(C9H5N)]2 (1b) successfully. Reaction of quinolinyl ligands 1a and 1b with n-BuLi in THF, separately, then reacting with ZrCl4 in situ afford two kinds of multidentate complexes Zr{Me2Si[N(C9H6N)]2}2 (2) and Zr{Me2Si[NCH3(C9H5N)]2}Cl2 (3). All the compounds have been confirmed and characterized by 1H NMR, 13C NMR and elemental analysis. Complexes 2 and 3 were characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. A distorted dodecahedron of N8 atoms has been found for the zirconium(Ⅳ) center of complex 2, and the crystal of complex 2 belongs to triclinic space group. Complex 3 is a distorted octahedron for the zirconium(Ⅳ) center and belongs to orthorhombic space group. CCDC: 958191, 2; 999854, 3.
Keywords: 8-aminoquinoline  bridged  Zr complex  synthesis  crystal structure
投稿时间:2014-05-01 修订日期:2014-05-17
摘要点击次数:  1706
全文下载次数:  2014
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