Synthesis, Crystal Structures and Luminescent Properties of Two Coordination Polymers Generated from Triazole-Containing Organic Ligands and Inorganic Hg(Ⅱ) Salts
蒋正静 淮阴师范学院江苏省低维材料实验室, 淮安 223300 jiangzj@hytc.edu.cn 
吴亚梅 淮阴师范学院江苏省低维材料实验室, 淮安 223300  
陆路德 南京理工大学教育部软化学与功能材料重点实验室, 南京 210094  
薛盼盼 南京理工大学教育部软化学与功能材料重点实验室, 南京 210094  
摘要: 以碘化汞为原料,分别与3,5-二(4-吡啶基)-1,2,4-三唑(L1),4-氨基-3,5-二(4-吡啶基)-1,2,4-三唑(L2)在N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)溶液中反应,合成了2个一维链状Hg(Ⅱ)配聚物{[Hg2I4(4-bpt)2]·3DMF}n1),{[Hg2I4(L2)]·DMF}n2)。用红外光谱、元素分析、X-射线单晶衍射对配合物进行了表征。X-射线单晶衍射表明,配聚物1中汞离子位于扭曲的配位四面体中心,相邻汞离子通过分别与L1的2个端基N原子配位,桥连形成了一维zig-zag链结构,碘离子占据配位四面体的剩余两配位点,配聚物1的一维链平行于bc平面。配合物2中汞离子位于扭曲的配位四面体中心,分别与L2的一个吡啶N原子和3个碘离子配位,其中2个碘离子充当桥联配体将相邻汞离子连接,形成了一维-Hg-I-Hg-I-的zig-zag链,相邻的-Hg-I-Hg-I-链进一步通过作为双齿配体的L2连接,形成一独特的一维双链梯状聚合物,配聚物2一维链平行于a方向。室温固态荧光测试显示,配聚物1在383.7nm处具有强的荧光发射,而配聚物2在299.7nm和376.5nm处具有强的荧光发射。
关键词: 三唑  配位聚合物  晶体结构  荧光性质
基金项目: 江苏省低维材料实验室开放基金(No.JSKC12113)资助项目。
Abstract: Two 1Dchain Hg(Ⅱ) coordination polymers {[Hg2I4(L1)2]·3DMF}n (1) and {[Hg2I4(L2)]·DMF}n (2) (where L1=3,5-bis(4-pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazole,L2=4-amino-3,5-bis(4-pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazole) have been synthesized in DMFsolution with HgI2 and L1, L2, respectively. The polymers were characterized by elemental analysis, IRand X-ray single crystal diffraction analysis. Complex 1 crystallizes in the triclinic system, space group P1 with cell parameters a=0.8203(2) nm, b=1.6310(5) nm, c=1.8458(5) nm, α=69.026(3)°, β=88.521(4)°, γ=83.355(4)°, V=2.2901(11) nm3, Z=2, μ(Mo )=9.439 mm-1, F(000)=1448, R1=0.0461, wR2=0.1331 [I>2σ(I)]. In the complex 1, each Hg(Ⅱ) ion atom locates in a distorted coordination tetrahedron and coordinates with two pyridine Natoms from two L1 ligands. The remaining two coordination sites of Hg(Ⅱ) ion are occupied by two Iions. Each L1 acts as a bridge to bond neighboring two Hg(Ⅱ) ions to form an infinite 1D chain. The 1Dchain is parallel to the bc plane. Complex 2 crystallizes in the monoclinic system, space group P21/c with cell parameters a=0.4330(3) nm, b=2.4657(15) nm, c=2.4592(16) nm, β=91.267(14)°, V=2.625(3) nm3, Z=4, μ(Mo )=16.407 mm-1, F(000)= 2144, R1=0.0515, wR2=0.1140 [I>2σ(I)]. In the complex 1, each Hg(Ⅱ) ion atom locates in a distorted coor-dination tetrahedron and coordinates with one pyridine Natom from L2 ligand and the remaining three coordination sites of Hg(Ⅱ) ion are occupied by three crystallographically distinct Iions. Two Iions act as bridging ligands, which link the Hg(Ⅱ) centers forming a 1Dzig-zag-Hg-I-Hg-I-chain. The adjacent-Hg-I-Hg-I-chains are further connected by bidentate L2 ligand, resulting in a unique 1Ddouble chain. The double chain structure of 2 can be regarded as a ladder-like chain containing two chains-Hg-I-Hg-I-and L2 spacers. The ladder-like chain extends in the a direction. The experimental results show that the title complexes have good luminescent properties and could be used as potential optical materials. CCDC: 751327, 2; 991983, 2
Keywords: triazole  coordination polymer  crystal structure  luminescent property
投稿时间:2014-03-31 修订日期:2014-04-17
摘要点击次数:  1914
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