Effects of Surface Pretreatment on Structure and Release Performances of Mg-Al Hydrotalcites
黄清军 湘潭大学化工学院, 湘潭 411105  
廖梦尘 湘潭大学化工学院, 湘潭 411105  
曾虹燕 湘潭大学化工学院, 湘潭 411105 hyzeng@xtu.edu.cn 
张伟 湘潭大学化工学院, 湘潭 411105  
张治青 湘潭大学化工学院, 湘潭 411105  
刘小军 湘潭大学化工学院, 湘潭 411105  
李会 湘潭大学化工学院, 湘潭 411105  
摘要: 以Mg-Al-NO3水滑石(LDHs)为载体,将5-氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)通过离子交换法插入其层间,得5-FU/LDHs缓释材料。并对水滑石表面进行弱酸预处理改性,利用XRD、FTIR、TG-DSC、SEM和零电荷点(pHPZC)等表征手段,考察酸预处理对水滑石表面化学性质及微观结构的影响。结果表明,5-FU/LDHs的层间距从0.858 nm扩大到1.064 nm,层间5-FU2阴离子与主体层板通过氢键与静电作用,以呈一定角度单层交替排列于层间。酸预处理的水滑石粒径变小,层板正电荷密度增大。5-FU的释放机理是物理扩散、离子交换和药物溶解等协同作用,酸预处理可提高水滑石的缓释性能和稳定性。
关键词: 水滑石  5-氟尿嘧啶;插层;酸预处理;载体
基金项目: 湖南省自科基金重点项目(No.12JJ2008);湖南省高校创新平台开放基金项目(No.12K048);2012年湖南省大学生创新性实验计划资助项目。
Abstract: The drug delivery materials (5-FU/LDHs) were obtained by intercalation of 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) into the sheets of Mg-Al-NO3 hydrotalcites (LDHs) by ion-exchange method. The surface of the LDHs was modified with weak acid pretreatment. The influence of the acid-pretreatment on the surface chemical characteristics and microstructure of the LDHs was determined using X-ray diffractometry (XRD), Fourier transform-infrared spectrometer (FTIR), Thermo gravimetric and Differential scanning calorimeter(TG-DSC), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and point of zero charge (pHPZC). The results showed that the interlayer spaces of the 5-FU/LDHs were expanded from 0.858 to 1.064 nm. 5-FU2 anions were intercalated into the brucite sheets of the LDHs as a monolayer arranged alternately with a constant angle through hydrogen bonding and electrostatic attraction. Average particle size became smaller and permanent charge density of the sheets increased after the acid-pretreatment of the carrier. The release mechanism of the 5-FU was discussed. The in vitro releasing behavior of the 5-FU/LDHs materials was involved in physical diffusion, ions exchange and drug dissolution and so on. The release performances and thermostability could be improved after acid pretreatment.
Keywords: hydrotalcites  5-Fluorouracil  intercalated  acid pretreatment  carrier
投稿时间:2013-11-15 修订日期:2014-03-08
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