Heat Generation Abilities of Magnetic Thermosensitive Composite Particles for Hyperthermia and Chemotherapy Application
范少勇 南昌大学, 南昌 330031
南昌市洪都中医院, 南昌 330006 
黄科棣 南昌市洪都中医院, 南昌 330006  
唐清美 南昌市洪都中医院, 南昌 330006  
黄志荣 南昌市洪都中医院, 南昌 330006  
艾凡荣 南昌大学, 南昌 330031 afr3755875@126.com 
陈伟高 南昌大学, 南昌 330031  
严喜鸾 南昌大学, 南昌 330031  
摘要: 采用无皂乳液聚合法制备了Fe3O4/P(N-异丙基丙烯酰胺-共-丙烯酰胺)[P(NIPAAm-co-Am)]温敏磁性复合粒子,分别采用透射电镜(TEM),振动磁强仪(VSM)和动态激光散射仪(DLS)对复合粒子进行表征,并着重研究了复合粒子在交变磁场作用下的磁热性能。结果表明,Fe3O4纳米粒子表面包裹了一层P(NIPAAm-co-Am)温敏性聚合物,其最低临界溶解温度(LCST)约为40℃,利用磁性粒子在交变磁场下的磁热性能可使复合粒子的温度升高至LCST以上,可触发复合粒子发生体积收缩。另外,复合粒子在交变磁场下的磁热性能可通过改变磁性粒子的浓度或调节磁场来调控。
关键词: 磁性纳米粒子  温敏性水凝胶  热疗  化疗  药物控释
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.51102131,81102289)资助项目。
Abstract: Fe3O4/P(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylamide) [P(NIPAAm-co-Am)], magnetic thermosensitive composite particles were prepared by emulsifier free polymerization. The structure and morphology of the as-synthesized composite particles were characterized by using TEM, and the magnetic and thermosensitive properties were investigated by Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) and Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). In addition, the heat generation ability of the composite particles was investigated under alternating magnetic field. The results show that Fe3O4 nanoparticles are coated by a thermosensitive P(NIPAAm-co-Am) with an LCSTabout 40 ℃. The composite particles exhibit relatively high magnetic property and heat generation ability. Furthermore, the heat generation ability of the composite particles under alternating magnetic field can be adjusted by controlling the concentration of composite particles and/or the magnetic field.
Keywords: magnetic nanoparticles  thermosensitive hydrogel  hyperthermia  chemotherapy  drug release
投稿时间:2013-08-05 修订日期:2013-12-19
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