N, N’-二异丁基-2, 3-二胺基喹喔啉为配体的钴和锌配合物的合成、晶体结构以及性质研究
Syntheses, Crystal Structure, Properties of Cobalt and Zinc Complexes Based on N,N’-Diisobutyl-2,3-diaminoquinoxaline
杨晓 江苏大学化学化工学院, 镇江 212013  
A M Showkot Hossain 江苏大学化学化工学院, 镇江 212013  
朱禹 江苏大学化学化工学院, 镇江 212013  
孟素慈 江苏大学化学化工学院, 镇江 212013
南京大学化学化工学院, 南京 210093 
夏昌坤 江苏大学化学化工学院, 镇江 212013  
谢吉民 江苏大学化学化工学院, 镇江 212013 xiejm391@sohu.com 
摘要: 以2,3-二氯喹喔啉和异丁胺为原料,合成了NN’-二异丁基-2,3二胺基喹喔啉(L),并合成了两个标题配合物([Co(DIDAQX)Cl2])(1,DIDAQX=NN’-Diisobutyl-2,3-(1H,4H)-diaminoquinoxaline)和([Zn(DIDAQX)Cl2])(2)。并对其进行了红外、元素分析、单晶衍射、热重、荧光、电化学性质等性质研究。且对1做了密度泛函理论(DFT)计算。单晶结构分析表明12同构,都属于正交晶系,Pbca空间群,1的晶胞参数:a=1.4082(3)nm,b=1.4628(3)nm,c=1.7970(4)nm;V=3.7017(14)nm3Z=8。2的晶胞参数:a=1.4082(3)nm,b=1.4648(3)nm,c=1.7969(4)nm;V=3.7065(14)nm3Z=8。在配合物结构中每个金属原子以四配位的形式分别与2个Cl原子和来自配体的2个N原子配位,形成了一个扭曲的四面体结构。
关键词: 钴(Ⅱ)配合物  锌(Ⅱ)配合物  晶体结构  性质  密度泛函理论
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.21171075/BO10303,21103073/BO30201);江苏省研究生创新项目(No.cxzz13_0679)以及国家博士后科学基金(No.2013T60500)资助项目。
Abstract: N,N'-Diisobutyl-2,3-diaminoquinoxaline was synthesized by 2,3-dichloroquinoxaline and isobutylamine. And the complexes ([Co(DIDAQX)Cl2]) (1, DIDAQX=N,N'-Diisobutyl-2,3(1H,4H)-diaminoquinoxaline) and ([Zn(DIDAQX)Cl2]) (2) (Same revision as above)were prepared, which characterized by elemental analysis, IR spectra, single crystal X-ray diffraction, TGanalysis, fluorescence and electrochemical properties. For 1, DFT and TD-DFT calculations have been performed to obtain its UV-Vis absorption spectrum, and a satisfactory theoretical-experimental agreement was achieved. The crystal structures of complexes 1 and 2 show that they crystallize in orthorhombic space group Pbca with a=1.4082(3) nm, b=1.4628(3) nm, c=1.7970(4) nm; V= 3.7017(14) nm3, Z=8 of 1 and a=1.4082(3) nm, b=1.4648(3) nm, c=1.7969(4) nm; V=3.7065(14) nm3, Z=8 of 2. In the structure of complexes, each metal atom is four coordinated. Besides chelated by the DIDAQX with two nitrogen atoms, the atom is also coordinated by two Cl atoms, thus form a distorted tetrahedral geometry.
Keywords: Cobalt(Ⅱ) complex  Zinc(Ⅱ) complex  crystal structure  property  density functional theory
投稿时间:2013-07-18 修订日期:2014-02-21
摘要点击次数:  1986
全文下载次数:  3271
杨晓,A M Showkot Hossain,朱禹,孟素慈,夏昌坤,谢吉民.以N, N’-二异丁基-2, 3-二胺基喹喔啉为配体的钴和锌配合物的合成、晶体结构以及性质研究[J].无机化学学报,2014,30(5):1160-1166.
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