Two-Step Preparation of Magnesium Hydroxide Flame Retardant from Magnesium Oxide
张玉星 教育部超重力工程研究中心, 北京化工大学, 北京 100029  
陈建铭 教育部超重力工程研究中心, 北京化工大学, 北京 100029  
宋云华 教育部超重力工程研究中心, 北京化工大学, 北京 100029 songyh@mail.buct.edu.cn 
摘要: 以氯化镁焙烧生成的氧化镁为原料,采用两步法即先水化后水热的方法制备出六方片状氢氧化镁。考察了水化时间、水热时间和温度及水热添加剂氢氧化钠浓度对氢氧化镁材料形貌的影响。研究表明,水化时间超过3h,氧化镁水化率基本不变,水热温度越高对晶体形貌改善越大,水热时间的延长可促进晶体粒径及厚度的增加,但是对晶体的宽厚比改变不大。水热添加剂氢氧化钠浓度的增加可明显地提高晶体结晶度,减小晶体微观内应变,提高粉体分散性。
关键词: 氧化镁  水热法  阻燃型氢氧化镁
基金项目: 中国海洋局课题(No.20100521)及国家自然科学基金(No.20676006)资助项目。
Abstract: The flame retardant magnesium hydroxide powder was prepared by two-step method using magnesium oxide which was calcined by magnesium chloride as raw material. Two-step method consists of hydrating and hydrothermal reaction process. The effects of hydration time, hydrothermal reaction time and temperature, and the concentration of sodium hydroxide on the morphology and structure of magnesium hydroxide had been studied. Special attention was given to the obtaining of platelet-shaped, high purity and highly-dispersible powders. The characterization of magnesium hydroxide powder was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electronic microscope (SEM), and nitrogen absorption BET analyzer. It is indicated that magnesium oxide has been completely hydrated after 3h. As the hydrothermal temperature and time increased, crystal size became larger and crystalline dispersion became remarkable. Additionally, increasing the hydrothermal additives concentration of sodium hydroxide can significantly improve the degree of crystallization crystals, reduce the microscopic internal strain of crystal, and enhance powder dispersibility.
Keywords: magnesium oxide  hydrothermal method  magnesium hydroxide flame retardant
投稿时间:2013-09-20 修订日期:2013-11-16
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