Synthesis and Photoluminescence Property of Organic Sensitizer Intercalated Layered Terbium Hydroxide Nanocomposites
赵玉双 北京师范大学化学学院, 能量转换与存储材料北京市重点实验室, 北京 100875  
王新颖 北京师范大学化学学院, 能量转换与存储材料北京市重点实验室, 北京 100875  
路明军 北京师范大学化学学院, 能量转换与存储材料北京市重点实验室, 北京 100875  
喻永 北京师范大学化学学院, 能量转换与存储材料北京市重点实验室, 北京 100875  
郭梦曦 北京师范大学化学学院, 能量转换与存储材料北京市重点实验室, 北京 100875  
杨晓晶* 北京师范大学化学学院, 能量转换与存储材料北京市重点实验室, 北京 100875 yang.xiaojing@bnu.edu.cn 
摘要: 选择两种有机物对苯二甲酸(TA)和苯甲酸(BA)作为敏化剂,通过在水热条件下的离子交换反应,成功将其以有机阴离子形式插层至层状铽氢氧化物而获得纳米复合体。荧光性质测定表明TA2-和BA-通过有效的能量转移均增强了Tb3+的特征绿色荧光发射,并且TA2-的敏化增强能力大于BA-。从能级匹配角度讨论了敏化剂和Tb3+之间能量转移的机理。
关键词: 层状稀土氢氧化物|有机敏化剂|插层反应|荧光发射
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(NSFC51272030);北京市自然科学基金(No.2112022)资助项目。
Abstract: Deprotonated terephthalic acid (TA) and benzoic acid (BA), as sensitizers, were successfully intercalated into the layered terbium hydroxides, through ion-exchange reaction under hydrothermal condition. The photoluminescence spectra indicated that both of TA2- and BA- enhanced the characteristic green photolu-minescence emission of Tb3+ by the efficiency energy transition process between the sensitizer and Tb3+, and furthermore that the sensibilization of TA2- was much stronger than that of BA-. The mechanism of the energy transfer from the organic sensitizers to Tb3+ was discussed based on the energy level matching herein.
Keywords: layered terbium hydroxide  organic sensitizer  intercalation reaction  photoluminescence emission
投稿时间:2013-03-17 修订日期:2013-07-11
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