Directional Motion and Adhesion of Tiny Droplets on Bioinspired Spindle-Knotted TiO2 Fibers
王莉 中国科学院化学研究所, 北京 100190  
赵勇* 北京航空航天大学环境化学学院, 北京 100191 zhaoyong@buaa.edu.cn 
江雷* 中国科学院化学研究所, 北京 100190
北京航空航天大学环境化学学院, 北京 100191 
摘要: 制备了具有响应性的仿蛛丝周期纺锤节TiO2纤维。通过改变纤维表面微观结构、紫外光照和超声波等手段,仿蛛丝结构TiO2纤维表面浸润性会发生响应性变化。纤维表面的这种浸润性变化,不仅实现了水滴从纺锤节两端到中心处的定向运动,而且可以使得水滴被纤维纺锤节粘附。当仿蛛丝结构TiO2纤维表面为亲水状态时,无论纺锤节光滑还是粗糙,水都是从纺锤节两端向中心方向运动;当仿蛛丝结构TiO2纤维表面疏水时,水滴会被具有粗糙表面的纺锤节两端粘附。
关键词: 仿生|浸润性|纺锤节|液滴运动|粘附
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.21222309,21134003,21374001);973计划(No.2012CB933200,2010CB934700);863计划(No.2013AA031903,2012AA030305)资助项目。
Abstract: Bioinspired TiO2 fibers with periodic spindle knots were prepared, whose surface showed responsive wettability and adhesion. The responsive wettability of these fibers was intellectually controlled by micro/nano structures of fibers and environmental stimulation such as ultraviolet and ultrasonic. Based on controlled wettability of bioinspired TiO2 fibers, tiny water droplets could not only move directionally from joint to spindle knot but also be captured by fiber spindle knots. When the fibers are hydrophilic, tiny water droplets always move directionally whatever the surface of fibers is smooth or rough. When the fibers become hydrophobic, tiny water droplets on the fibers firstly move from both ends to center of spindle knots, and then are adhered by spindle knots with rough surface.
Keywords: bioinspired  wettability  spindle knot  motion of liquid droplets  adhesion
投稿时间:2013-09-30 修订日期:2013-11-29
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