Hydrothermal Method and Luminescent Properties of Ca0.8-2x(YbxTb0.1Na0.1+x)2xWO4 Near-Infrared Downconversion Phosphor
廖金生 江西理工大学冶金与化学工程学院, 赣州 341000 
苏振裕 江西理工大学冶金与化学工程学院, 赣州 341000  
周单 江西理工大学冶金与化学工程学院, 赣州 341000  
柳少华 江西理工大学冶金与化学工程学院, 赣州 341000  
温和瑞 江西理工大学冶金与化学工程学院, 赣州 341000  
摘要: 一种在近红外光谱(NIR)区域高效的量子剪裁现象已在Ca0.8-2x(YbxTb0.1Na0.1+x)2xWO4(x=0~0.2)荧光粉中得到证实,该量子剪裁通过吸收紫外线光子发射近红外光子,能量传递包括两个协同过程,分别是WO42-基团到Yb3+离子和WO42-基团到Tb3+离子再到Yb3+离子,Yb3+离子的掺杂浓度对荧光粉在可见光和近红外光谱的发光,荧光寿命和量子效率的影响已进行了详细的研究。经计算,量子效率最大达到135.7%。铽与镱共掺钨酸钙的近红外量子剪裁,通过吸收太阳光谱的1个紫外光子到2个1000nm光子(2倍光子数增加)的下转化机制实现高效率硅太阳能电池的途径。
关键词: 水热法  下转换  近红外  发光
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.51162012,21161008);江西省教育厅基金(GJJ12327)资助项目。
Abstract: An efficient near-infrared (NIR) quantum cutting in Ca0.8-2x(YbxTb0.1Na0.1+x)2xWO4(x=0~20%) phosphors has been demonstrated, which involves the emission of two low-energy NIR photons (around 980 nm) from an absorbed ultra-violet photon via the two cooperative energy transfer processes both from (direct) the WO42- group to Yb3+ ions and (indirect) the WO42- group to Tb3+ to Yb3+ ions. The dependence of Yb3+ doping concentration on the visible and NIR emissions, decay lifetime, and quantum efficiencies have been investigated in detail. Yb3+ concentration dependent quantum efficiency has been calculated and the maximum quantum efficiency approaches up to 135.7%. The development of the near-infrared quantum cutting tungstates could open a route in achieving high efficiency silicon-based solar cells by means of downconversion in ultra-violet part of the solar spectrum to about 1000 nm photons with a two fold increase in the photon number.
Keywords: hydrothermal method  downconversion  near infrared  luminescence
投稿时间:2013-03-26 修订日期:2013-05-10
摘要点击次数:  1612
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