一种基于铜配合物的高灵敏硫化氢荧光探针 |
A New Sensitive Fluorescent H2S Probe Based on Cu2+ Complex |
摘要: 作为继NO和CO之后的第三个气体信号分子,硫化氢在生物体内具有许多重要的生理功能,因此发展灵敏度高、选择性好的硫化氢荧光探针以实现其实时跟踪和检测成为研究的热点。本文利用NBD荧光配体构建了一个基于其铜配合物的硫化氢荧光探针。铜离子的荧光猝灭作用使得该配合物探针的荧光很弱,而Na2S(硫化氢供体)的加入可显著增强其荧光。研究表明其他阴离子对配合物探针的荧光影响很小,共存时也不会干扰探针对硫化氢的增强响应。研究认为S2-对铜离子(Cu2+)的高亲和能力促使配合物脱铜可能是其实现荧光增强识别的机制。该探针在1~20μmol·L-1的范围内对H2S具有线性响应能力,而且检测限可达到0.2μmol·L-1,是目前检测限较低的少数探针之一。 |
关键词: 硫化氢 荧光 探针 灵敏度 |
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.21271100)和重大基础研究计划(No.2011CB935800)资助项目。 |
Abstract: As the third gasotransmitter after NOand CO, hydrogen sulfide plays essential biological roles in living systems, and developing sensitive fluorescent probe for the rapid tracking of endogenous H2S is attracting much attention. Anew H2S fluorescent probe was constructed in this study based on a copper complex formed by a new NBD fluorescent ligand, in which a Cu2+ chelator was incorporated. This probe displays very weak emission owing to the emission quenching effect of Cu2+, and it is able to sense H2S by exhibiting distinct emission enhancement upon H2S addition. The S2--induced Cu2+ removal from this complex was proposed as the sensing mechanism of this Cu2+ complex-based probe. Besides the quick response, the high sensing selectivity over other anion of this probe has also been confirmed, and its detection limit was estimated to be ~0.2 μmol·L-1, and the linear range is 1~20 μmol·L-1. |
Keywords: hydrogen sulfide fluorescence molecular probe sensitivity |
投稿时间:2012-05-16 修订日期:2013-05-06 |
摘要点击次数: 2838 |
全文下载次数: 2859 |
黄彬,陈韵聪,郭子建,何卫江.一种基于铜配合物的高灵敏硫化氢荧光探针[J].无机化学学报,2013,29(11):2283-2288. |
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