Preparation, Characterization and Photocatalysis of Core-Shell and Hollow Polyhedral Titanium Dioxide
何明明 北京有色金属研究总院先进电子材料研究所, 北京 100088  
莫茂松 北京有色金属研究总院先进电子材料研究所, 北京 100088 msmo@ustc.edu 
摘要: 本文采用水热法控制制备了具有特殊纳米结构的核-壳和中空多面体二氧化钛,以进一步提高具有特定暴露面多面体二氧化钛的比表面积,达到更优异的光催化效果。用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)等技术对所制备特殊结构二氧化钛的物相和微/纳结构进行表征分析,结果表明所得核-壳和中空结构多面体二氧化钛具有一个类似隧道结构的(001)/(001)洞开的截顶双金字塔型壳层。这两种特殊结构的形成可能是源于配位/弱酸性腐蚀原理的共同作用。用核-壳和中空结构二氧化钛对亚甲基蓝进行光降解实验,结果表明:两种新颖结构二氧化钛具有优异的光催化性能,尤其是在添加过氧化氢条件下。可能原因是:两种特殊结构二氧化钛大比表面积正面作用抵消了(001)晶面消失或减少所产生的副作用,以及过氧化氢在光催化反应中提供的活性氢氧根自由基使得光辐照二氧化钛产生的电子-空穴对在催化剂表面得到有效分离。
关键词: 多面体  核-壳结构  中空结构  二氧化钛  光催化  水热合成
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.21271032,50932001)资助项目。
Abstract: In order to further promote the photocatalytic activity of polyhedral titanium dioxide with special exposed facets, the core-shell and hollow structured polyhedral titanium dioxide were controllably prepared by a facile hydrothermal method. The structure, morphology and photocatalytic property of core-shell and hollow structured TiO2 were characterized by means of powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and UV-Vis absorption spectra measurement, respectively. SEM and TEM observations showed that as-resulting two kinds of TiO2 have a tunnel-like hollow, polyhedral shell-layer structure with opened (001)/(001) surface planes. The formation of the two kinds of novel structures might be due to the effect of both complexing and weak acid etching. The photodegradation to Methylene Blue of the as-resulting TiO2 were tested in the presence of peroxide. The results showed that the photocatalytic activity of the resulting two kinds of TiO2 structures could be promoted even higher with the additive of preoxide, which can be ascribed to their large specific surfaces, and the fact that the·OH provided by peroxide can efficiently separate e-/h+ pairs on the surface of titanium dioxide.
Keywords: polyhedron  core-shell structure  hollow structure  titanium dioxide  photocatalytic activity  hydrothermal synthesis
投稿时间:2012-10-09 修订日期:2013-02-05
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