Dielectric Properties, Relaxor Behavior and Crystal Chemistry Properties of Ba0.98Bi0.02(Ti0.9Zr0.1)1-xCuxO3 Ceramics
彭勇 西华大学材料科学与工程学院, 成都 610039  
丁士华 西华大学材料科学与工程学院, 成都 610039 
宋天秀 西华大学材料科学与工程学院, 成都 610039  
王久石 西华大学材料科学与工程学院, 成都 610039  
徐琴 西华大学材料科学与工程学院, 成都 610039  
吴小亮 西华大学材料科学与工程学院, 成都 610039  
摘要: 采用固相合成法,Bi3+作施主掺杂A位,Cu2+作受主掺杂B位,制备了Ba0.98Bi0.02(Ti0.9Zr0.1)1-xCuxO3(x=0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03)陶瓷样品。借助XRD、LCR等研究了该陶瓷的结构与介电性能。结果表明:当x=0.03时,陶瓷样品出现第二相。通过GULP模拟,缺陷偶极子的稳定性从低到高依次为:[2BiBa·+VBa"]、[2BiBa·+CuTi/Zr"]、[CuTi/Zr"+Vo··],结合实验可知:介电弛豫程度与晶体中缺陷偶极子的存在形式相关,其中x=0.01时,晶体中以[2BiBa·+CuTi/Zr"]为主。随Cu2+掺杂量的增加,介电常数增加,介电常数与B位键价和呈反比变化、与八面体BO6的体积呈正比变化。
关键词: Ba0.98Bi0.02(Ti0.9Zr0.1)1-xCuxO3陶瓷  介电弛豫  缺陷偶极子  结晶化学
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.11074203);西华大学研究生创新基金(No.YCJJ201258)资助项目。
Abstract: Ba0.98Bi0.02(Ti0.9Zr0.1)1-xCuxO3(x=0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03) were prepared by conventional solid-state reaction methods. The effect of Bi3+ as donor doping in A-site and Cu2+ as acceptor doping in B-site on structure and dielectric properties were investigated by XRD, LCR and other techniques. The results revealed that when x=0.03, the second phase occurred. The order of the defect dipoles stability from low to high is [2BiBa·+VBa"]、[2BiBa·+CuTi/Zr"], [CuTi/Zr"+Vo··] by GULP. Combined with the experiments, the analysis shown that the relaxation degree were closely related to the variety of defect dipoles, when x=0.01, the defect dipoles [2BiBa·+CuTi/Zr"] were dominant. With increasing Cu2+ content, the dielectric constants increased, and the dielectric constants were inversely proportional to the bond valance sum of B-site and proportional to the varieties of octahedral BO6 volume.
Keywords: Ba0.98Bi0.02(Ti0.9Zr0.1)1-xCuxO3 ceramics  dielectric relaxation  defect dipoles  crystal chemistry
投稿时间:2012-12-27 修订日期:2013-01-30
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