Crystal Structure, Magnetic, Near-Infrared Absorption and Electrochemical Properties of Two [Ni(mnt)2]-Based Compounds
周宏 南京晓庄学院生物化工与环境工程学院, 南京 211171  
于姗姗 南京晓庄学院生物化工与环境工程学院, 南京 211171  
段海宝 南京晓庄学院生物化工与环境工程学院, 南京 211171 duanhaibao4660@163.com 
任小明 南京工业大学应用化学系, 南京 210009  
摘要: 合成并表征了两种新的离子对化合物(BMIB)[(Ni(mnt)2]2 (1)和(BMIO)[(Ni(mnt)2)]2 (2)(其中mnt2-=马来二氰基二硫烯,BMIB=1,4-bis(1-methylimidazolium)butane,BMIO=1,8-bis(1-methylimidazolium)octane)。在化合物1中,[Ni(mnt)2]-阴离子排列形成阴离子三聚体以及与阳离子交替排列形成阴、阳离子混合柱。化合物2的堆积结构与化合物1不同,阴、阳离子堆积成非等间距的阴、阳离子柱。化合物12分别在861和857 nm近红外波段处出现较强的近红外吸收。电化学性质研究结果表明,2个化合物均出现了两对不可逆的电化学氧化/还原过程,且平衡阳离子的烷基链长显著影响化合物的氧化、还原电极电势。变温磁化率测量表明,在2~400 K温度范围内,化合物1表现出弱的顺磁性质,变温摩尔磁化率遵循简单的Curie-Weiss定律。化合物2表现出低维反铁磁交换自旋体系磁化率特征。
关键词: 离子对  晶体结构  磁性  近红外吸收
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.21171097,21201103)资助项目。
Abstract: Two ion-pair compounds with the formula of (BMIB)[(Ni(mnt)2]2 (1) and (BMIO)[(Ni(mnt)2]2 (2) (mnt=maleonitrile dithiolate, BMIB=1,4-bis(1-methylimidazolium)butane, BMIO=1,8-bis(1-methylimidazolium)octane) were synthesized and characterized structurally. In 1, the [Ni(mnt)2]-form a trimer anions and a mixed column, respectively. The packing structures of 2 are different from 1, the cations and the anions form the irregular alignments. Compound 1 and 2 show remarkable near-IR absorption behavior in the region of 861 and 857 nm respectively. The electrochemical behaviors in the solid state depend on the hydrocarbon chain length in the countercation moiety. Investigations of variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility indicated that 1 shows weak paramagnetic feature from 2 to 400 K; the magnetic susceptibility data were fit to the Curie-Weiss equation. 2 is a spin gap system but its magnetic behavior does not follow the Blaney-Bowers spin dimer model. CCDC: 908109, 1; 908110, 2.
Keywords: ion-pair  crystal structure  magnetic  near-infrared absorption
投稿时间:2012-08-06 修订日期:2013-04-05
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