Characterization of Li-Rich Cathode Material Li[Li0.2Ni0.2Mn0.6]O2 Synthesized by Sol-Gel Method for Lithium-Ion Batteries
赵雪玲 中国科学院广州能源研究所,广州 510640
中国科学院大学,北京 100039 
唐道平 中国科学院广州能源研究所,广州 510640  
麦永津 中国科学院广州能源研究所,广州 510640  
赵欣悦 中国科学院广州能源研究所,广州 510640  
王素清 中国科学院广州能源研究所,广州 510640  
张灵志 中国科学院广州能源研究所,广州 510640 lzzhang@ms.giec.ac.cn 
摘要: 以LiOH·H2O、Mn(CH3COO)2·4H2O和Ni(CH3COO)2·4H2O为原料,分别用柠檬酸(CA)与乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)为配位剂,采用溶胶凝胶法结合固相烧结法制备富锂固溶体正极材料Li[Li0.2Ni0.2Mn0.6]O2。通过X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、激光粒度仪对所得样品的结构、形貌、粒径分布进行了表征,并测试了材料的电化学性能。采用CA配位制备的材料的电化学性能优于用EDTA配位制备的材料的电化学性能,室温下以18 mA·g-1的电流密度,在2.0~4.8 V电压范围内充放电,用CA制备的材料首次充电比容量高达324 mAh·g-1,首次库伦效率达82%;在180 mA·g-1的电流下,其可逆比容量保持在120 mAh·g-1
关键词: 锂离子电池  溶胶凝胶法  配位剂  固溶体  正极材料
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.50973112),中国科学院院地合作项目(No.2009B091300025/20108),中国科学院百人计划,广州市科技计划 (No.11A44061500)资助项目。
Abstract: Li-rich solid solution cathode material Li[Li0.2Ni0.2Mn0.6]O2 was synthesized by a sol-gel method and subsequent solid-state sintering process, using LiOH·H2O, Mn(CH3COO)2·4H2O and H3COO)2·4H2O as raw materials, and citric acid (CA) and ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) as chelating agents, respectively. The as-synthesized materials were characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope and Laser Particle Size Analyzer, and the electrochemical properties of materials were investigated. The material using CA as chelating agent showed higher capacity and better rate performance than that using EDTA as chelating agent. The half-cell of Li/Li[Li0.2Ni0.2Mn0.6]O2 using CA as chelating agent delivered a charge specific capacity of 324 mAh·g-1 with an initial efficiency of 82% at a current density of 18 mA·g-1 between 2.0 and 4.8 V, and retained the reversible capacity of 120 mAh·g-1 even at a high current density of 180 mA·g-1.
Keywords: lithium ion battery  sol-gel method  chelating agent  solid solution  cathode material
投稿时间:2012-12-03 修订日期:2013-01-22
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