Effect of NiO Nanoparticles on Magnetic Quasi-Solid Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells
杨英 中南大学冶金科学与工程学院,长沙 410083  
崔嘉瑞 中南大学冶金科学与工程学院,长沙 410083  
易鹏飞 中南大学冶金科学与工程学院,长沙 410083  
肖思 中南大学物理与电子学院超微结构和超快过程研究所,长沙 410083  
郭学益 中南大学冶金科学与工程学院,长沙 410083 xyguo@mail.csu.edu.cn 
摘要: 以琼脂糖为聚合物基质,N-甲基-2-吡咯烷酮(NMP)为溶剂,磁性纳米氧化镍颗粒作为添加剂用于制备染料敏化太阳能电池(DSSC)的磁性聚合物电解质。通过SEM与离子电导率测试研究不同纳米氧化镍掺杂浓度对磁性聚合物电解质的影响,并对相应的染料敏化太阳能电池进行光电性能测试与电化学交流组抗谱(EIS)测试,结果表明:1.0wt%的纳米氧化镍掺杂浓度为最优掺杂浓度,在此浓度下聚合物电解质的表面形貌较为平整,同时电解质具备最高离子电导率(2.43×10-3 S·cm-1);染料敏化太阳能电池的光电效率与电子寿命均随着纳米氧化镍掺杂浓度的增加而先增加后降低,并都在纳米氧化镍掺杂浓度为1.0wt%达到最大,此时电池的光电效率为1.63%、开路电压为0.57 V、短路电流密度为5.8 mA·cm-2、填充因子为0.53。
关键词: 磁性聚合物电解质  染料敏化太阳能电池  纳米氧化镍  离子电导率  光电效率
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(No.61006047; No.11104356)资助项目。
Abstract: A magnetic polymer electrolyte using agarose as polymer matrix, NMP as solvent and NiO nanoparticles as modifier was investigated and employed in the dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) in this paper. The influence of NiO nanoparticles content on magnetic polymer electrolyte was characterized by SEM and ionic conductivity test. The photovoltaic properties of the corresponding DSSCs with different concentrations of NiO nanoparticles were studied by photovoltaic performance tests and electrochemical impedance spectra (EIS). The results showed that the optimal concentration of NiO nanoparticles was 1.0wt%, in which concentration the surface morphology of the polymer electrolyte was smooth and this magnetic polymer electrolyte showed the maximum conductivity (2.43×10-3 S·cm-1). The photoelectric efficiency and electron lifetime of DSSCs increased initially and then decreased with the increasing of the NiO nanoparticles content, the optimal photoelectric efficiency as well as the longest electron lifetime were achieved at the NiO nanoparticles content of 1.0wt%. At this optimal content, the photoelectric efficiency of DSSC was 1.63%, the voltage, current density and the filling factor of the DSSC was 0.57 V, 5.8 mA·cm-2 and 0.53, respectively.
Keywords: magnetic polymer electrolyte  dye-sensitized solar cell  NiO nanoparticles  ionic conductivity  electrochemical impedance
投稿时间:2012-09-14 修订日期:2012-10-30
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