Effects of AlF3 Coating on the Electrochemical Performance of Li1.2Mn0.534Ni0.133Co0.133O2 Cathode Materials
王旭阳 中海油天津化工研究设计院, 天津 300131 
叶学海 中海油天津化工研究设计院, 天津 300131  
郅晓科 中海油天津化工研究设计院, 天津 300131  
何爱珍 中海油天津化工研究设计院, 天津 300131  
赵桢 中海油天津化工研究设计院, 天津 300131  
章甦 中海油天津化工研究设计院, 天津 300131  
时洁 中海油天津化工研究设计院, 天津 300131  
摘要: 通过共沉淀法制备锂离子电池富锂锰基正极材料Li1.2Mn0.534Ni0.133Co0.133O2, 并对其进行AlF3包覆。实验结果表明, 通过AlF3包覆, 材料的电化学性能得到明显提高。在0.2C下, 包覆前材料的首次放电比容量为253 mAh·g-1, 首次充放电效率仅为88.8%。经过AlF3包覆, 材料的首次放电比容量提高到294 mAh·g-1, 首次充放电效率高达96.4%。同样, 在1.0C下循环50次, 未包覆材料的放电比容量由225 mAh·g-1降到185 mAh·g-1, 容量保持率仅为82.2%。经过AlF3包覆, 材料的放电比容量由230 mAh·g-1仅降为222 mAh·g-1, 容量保持率高达96.5%。
关键词: 锂离子电池  AlF3包覆  Li1.2Mn0.534Ni0.133Co0.133O2  充放电性能
Abstract: Li1.2Mn0.534Ni0.133Co0.133O2 cathode material of lithium ion batteries was prepared by co-precipitation method, and then the cathode material was coated by AlF3. The experiment results showed that the electrochemical properties of AlF3-coated material were improved obviously. Before coating, the initial discharge capacity was 253 mAh·g-1 at 0.2C with a charge/discharge efficiency of only 88.8%. However, after coating, the initial discharge capacity was 294 mAh·g-1 at 0.2C with a charge/discharge efficiency of 96.4%. Similarly, the capacity retention was also improved through AlF3 coating. The pristine material delivered a discharge capacity of only 185 mAh·g-1 (with capacity retention of 82.2%) after 50 charge/discharge cycles at 1.0C. Meanwhile, the AlF3-coated material delivered a discharge capacity of 222 mAh·g-1 (with capacity retention of 96.5%) after 50 charge/discharge cycles at 1.0C.
Keywords: lithium ion batteries  AlF3 coating  Li1.2Mn0.534Ni0.133Co0.133O2  charge/discharge performance
投稿时间:2012-08-26 修订日期:2012-09-28
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