Two Rare Earth Complexes Based on Enoxacin: Synthesis, Crystal Structures, DNA Binding and Antibacterial Activities
邓记华 江西省高等学校应用化学与化学生物学重点实验室宜春学院化生学院宜春 336000 
梅光泉 江西省高等学校应用化学与化学生物学重点实验室宜春学院化生学院宜春 336000 
摘要: 通过溶剂热-溶液挥发法合成得到了2个基于依诺沙星(HEx)的稀土配合物[Ce(Ex)4]·39H2O (1)和[Sm2(Ex)4(HEx)2(ox)]·24H2O (2),并运用红外光谱、元素分析和X-射线单晶衍射等研究手段表征了它们的结构。研究结果表明:配合物1为单核配合物;配合物2为双核配合物。紫外滴定和荧光滴定研究结果表明:它们均能以插入的方式作用于小牛胸腺DNA,结合常数(Kb)分别为4.45×104和6.56×104 mol-1·L;抗菌实验结果表明它们对革兰氏菌和真菌的活性均要优于依诺沙星配体本身。
关键词: 依诺沙星  稀土配合物  晶体结构  DNA作用  抗菌活性
Abstract: Two rare earth complexes based on enoxacin (HEx), [Ce(Ex)4]·39H2O (1) and [Sm2(Ex)4(HEx)2(ox)]·24H2O (2) (HEx=enoxacin; ox=oxalate), have been synthesized and characterized by IR, EA and X-ray diffraction. The analyses of the single X-ray diffraction results indicate that 1 is a mononuclear Ce(Ⅳ) complex and crystallizes in tetragonal system, space group I41/a with a=1.551 74(12) nm, c=4.066 6(4) nm, V=9.791 9(14) nm3, Z=4, μ=0.574 mm-1, F(000)=4 480, Dc=1.441 g·cm-3, R1=0.074 3, wR2=0.180 0; 2 is an oxalate-bridged binuclear Sm(Ⅲ) complex and crystallizes in triclinic system, space group P1 with a=1.505 72(19) nm, b=1.511 98(10) nm, c=1.610 58(10) nm, α=116.723(2)°, β=107.987(2)°, γ=98.020(2)°, V=2.943 0(5) nm3, Z=1, μ=1.095 mm-1, F(000)=1 412, Dc=1.545 g·cm-3, R1=0.039 4, wR2=0.121 7. The bindings of 1 and 2 with calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) have been investigated by electronic absorption spectroscopy and emission spectroscopy. The results indicate that both complexes bind with double-stranded CT-DNA mostly via intercalative mode, with the intrinsic binding constants (Kb) of 4.45×104 and 6.56×104 mol-1·L, respectively. Antibacterial tests show both complexes have better antibacterial activities against Gram and fungi microbial than the free ligand HEx. CCDC: 751128, 1; 751129, 2.
Keywords: enoxacin  rare earth complex  crystal structure  DNA binding  antibacterial activity
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