Synthesis of Transitional Metal Borate K7{(BO3)Zn[B12O18(OH)6]}·H2O and Quantum Chemistry Study
荣 成 福建农林大学生命科学学院应用化学系福州 350002 
蒋 疆 福建农林大学生命科学学院应用化学系福州 350002 
李清禄 福建农林大学生命科学学院应用化学系福州 350002 
摘要: 通过水热的方法合成了一例新的过渡金属硼酸盐K7{(BO3)Zn[B12O18(OH)6]}·H2O (1),并对其进行了红外,热重,能谱以及X-射线单晶衍射和粉末衍射分析。晶体学测试结果表明,化合物1属于正交晶系,Pmn21空间群,晶胞参数a=1.236 51(4) nm,b=0.909 61(3) nm,c=1.304 05(5) nm,V=1.466 72(9) nm3,Z=2,R1=0.049 7,wR2=0.146 8。对{(BO3)Zn[B12O18(OH)6]}7-阴离子簇的量化分析显示此簇中的端基BO3基团对前线分子轨道的贡献最大。除端O原子外,BO3端基的原子电荷较其它B和O原子电荷低。
关键词: 过渡金属  硼酸盐  聚阴离子簇  量子化学
Abstract: A new transitional metal borate K7{(BO3)Zn[B12O18(OH)6]}·H2O (1) has been synthesized under hydro-thermal conditions and characterized by means of IR spectrum, TG, EDS single X-ray and PXRD diffraction. The X-ray crystallography indicates 1 crystallizes in a orthorhombic lattice, Pmn21 space group, with a=1.236 51(4) nm, b=0.909 61(3) nm, c=1.304 05(5) nm, V=1.466 72(9) nm3, Z=2, R1=0.049 7, wR2=0.146 8. Quantum chemistry calculation discovers the terminal BO3 group has a major contribution to the frontier molecular orbitals (FMOs) of the {(BO3)Zn[B12O18(OH)6]}7- cluster. The atom charges in the terminal BO3 group are lower than that of the other B and O atoms, except for the terminal O atom in the BO3 group. ICSD: 424019.
Keywords: transitional metal  borate  polyanion cluster  quantum chemistry
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荣 成,蒋 疆,李清禄.过渡金属硼酸盐K7{(BO3)Zn[B12O18(OH)6]}·H2O的合成与量子化学研究(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2012,28(10):2217-2222.
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