Eu3+掺杂双钙钛矿Sr2CaMoO6橙红色荧光粉的结构特征及其发光性能 |
Structure and Luminescent Properties of Eu3+ Doped Double Perovskite Sr2CaMoO6 Orange-Red Phosphors |
摘要: 采用EDTA-柠檬酸联合配位法制备一系列组成的(Sr1-xEux)2CaMoO6橙红色荧光粉。通过X射线衍射、拉曼光谱、扫描电镜及荧光光谱研究不同Eu3+离子掺杂浓度下Sr2CaMoO6∶Eu3+荧光粉的晶体结构、掺杂位置、形貌及其光致发光性能。Rietveld全谱拟合结果表明:掺杂后样品为(Ca/Mo)O6八面体少量倾斜的空间群为P21/n的正交双钙钛矿结构,随着Eu3+离子共掺杂浓度的增加,样品的晶胞体积减小;Eu3+离子取代八面体间隙的Sr2+位置致使双钙钛矿的T2g(1)拉曼振动模发生蓝移;在近紫外区宽而强电荷迁移带和蓝光激发下,该荧光粉分别发射以Eu3+离子5D0-7F1磁偶极跃迁为主的橙光和以5D0-7F2电偶极跃迁为主的红光,组成为(Sr0.98 Eu0.02)2 CaMoO6的荧光粉具有最强的橙红光发射强度,是一种潜在的适用于近紫外LED芯片的光转换红光材料。 |
关键词: 双钙钛矿 红色荧光粉 拉曼光谱 光致发光 白光LED |
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Abstract: Series of (Sr1-xEux)2CaMoO6 orange-red phosphors were prepared by EDTA-citric acid complexing method. The crystal structure, doping site, morphology, and photoluminescent properties under different Eu3+ concentrations were investigated by XRD, Raman spectra, SEM and fluorescence spectra. The results by Rietveld method indicate that the structure of Eu3+ doped samples is orthorhombic double-perovskite with space group P21/n and slightly tilting octahedron of (Ca/Mo)O6. With increasing Eu3+ concentration, their lattice volumes decrease monotonously. Raman active mode T2g(1) is shifted to blue side resulting from the substitution of Sr2+ in interstitial site among octahedrons by Eu3+ ions. Under the excitation of broad and strong charge transfer band in near-UV range and blue light, the phosphor could emit a dominant orange light and a dominant red light, respectively. The (Sr0.98Eu0.02)2 CaMoO6 phosphor has the strongest orange-red emission and this phosphor is a potential light conversion red material for N-UV LED chip. |
Keywords: double perovskite red phosphor Raman spectrum photoluminescence white LED |
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张 乐,鲁加加,刘金秋,李 月,王丽熙,张其土.Eu3+掺杂双钙钛矿Sr2CaMoO6橙红色荧光粉的结构特征及其发光性能[J].无机化学学报,2012,28(10):2036-2042. |
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