Synthesis of Ketal Catalyzed with Silver Salts of Tungstophosphoric
魏云霞 兰州城市学院化学与环境科学学院城市环境污染控制甘肃省高校重点实验室兰州 730070 
马明广 兰州城市学院化学与环境科学学院城市环境污染控制甘肃省高校重点实验室兰州 730070 
李生英 兰州城市学院化学与环境科学学院城市环境污染控制甘肃省高校重点实验室兰州 730070 
李康兰 兰州城市学院化学与环境科学学院城市环境污染控制甘肃省高校重点实验室兰州 730070 
摘要: 利用沉淀法制备了一系列磷钨杂多酸银盐(AgxH3-xPW12O40,0<x<3)。经XRD物相分析和d-间距组成图证明,产品为斜方晶系的完全互溶取代固溶体,结果符合Vegard定律。热分析证明,Agx的分解温度非常相似,而且银离子数越多,磷钨酸盐越稳定。以Agx为催化剂合成6种重要缩酮结果表明,催化剂的活性与结构中的酸性质子和水合银离子分离出的质子有关。催化剂Ag2H1PW12O40在合成缩酮的反应中催化活性最高。催化剂可重复使用。
关键词: 磷钨酸  银盐  缩酮
Abstract: A series of silver salts of 12-tungstophosphoric acid AgxH3-xPW12O40 (Agx) (where 0<x<3), were prepared. XRD and cell parameters-component figures of the series of the solid solutions powder that the compounds are mutually miscible in the solid solutions. Furthermore, DTA show that, the temperature for the Agx decomposition is very similar. The catalytic activity for the formation of ketals was also studied. It was found that the Ag2H1PW12O40 is the best catalyst in the reaction. The results showed that catalystic activity is related to acid protons and protons generated by dissociation of water molecules coordinated by silver cations.
Keywords: dodecatungstophosphate  silver salt  ketal
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