Synthesis, Structure and Properties of a 1D Copper(Ⅱ) Coordination Polymer Constructed by α-Naphthylacetic Acid
尹福军 南京理工大学化工学院南京 210094
淮海工学院江苏省海洋资源开发研究院连云港 222005 
赵 宏 淮海工学院江苏省海洋资源开发研究院连云港 222005 
许兴友 南京理工大学化工学院南京 210094
淮阴工学院淮安 223003 
杨绪杰 南京理工大学化工学院南京 210094 
摘要: 合成了一维聚合物[Cu(NAA)2]n(HNAA=α-萘乙酸),采用单晶X-射线、FTIR和元素分析对生成的晶体进行了结构表征。该聚合物属于正交晶系,Pbcn 空间群,a=3.077 2(3) nm,b=1.272 56(11) nm,c=1.023 51(9) nm,V=4.008 0(6) nm3,Z=8。Cu(Ⅱ)的配位几何构型是五配位的扭曲四方锥,配体的羧基采用μ21∶η1和μ32∶η1两种不同的桥联配位模式,连结Cu(Ⅱ)离子形成1D链,1D链又被C-H-π作用力进一步连结形成2D层和3D固态超分子结构。磁性研究表明:在该聚合物中,相邻铜离子间存在反铁磁偶合作用。还对其热稳定性进行了研究。
关键词: α-萘乙酸  Cu(Ⅱ)聚合物  磁性  热重
Abstract: A copper(Ⅱ) coordination polymer, [Cu(NAA)2]n (HNAA=α-naphthylacetic acid) was synthesized and structurally characterized by means of X-ray single-crystal diffraction, IR spectrum and elemental analysis. It crystallizes in orthorhombic space group Pbcn with a=3.077 2(3), b=1.272 56(11), c=1.023 51(9) nm, V=4.008 0(6) nm3, Z=8. The coordination geometry of Cu(Ⅱ) is a distorted square-pyramid. Carboxylate groups take two kinds of bridging coordination modes: μ21∶η1 and μ32∶η1, resulting in infinite zigzag 1D chains. These 1D chains are connected together to form layer and 3D stacking framework by C-H-π interactions between naphthyl rings. Magnetic measurement of the polymer shows that a strong antiferromagnetic coupling can be observed. The thermal stable property of the polymer was also investigated. CCDC: 835977.
Keywords: α-naphthylacetic acid  copper(Ⅱ) complex  synthesis  magnetic  thermal properties
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全文下载次数:  1741
尹福军,赵 宏,许兴友,杨绪杰.由α-萘乙酸构筑的一维铜(Ⅱ)配位聚合物的合成、结构和性质研究(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2012,28(8):1700-1704.
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