Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Characteristics on Furazan as a New Anion Probe
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摘要: 设计合成了一种AcO-和F-的阴离子比色/荧光探针4-氯-7-硝基-2,1,3-苯并呋咱(NBD-Cl)衍生物。探针结构经X-ray单晶衍射测定属于三斜晶系、空间群为P1。用紫外-可见吸收及荧光光谱研究了其识别性能。探针的乙腈溶液加入AcO-,F-后,在较短时间内裸眼能观察到颜色由橘黄色变为红色,同时有显著的荧光增强。核磁滴定及质子溶剂实验证明识别过程为探针与阴离子之间形成的氢键作用力,伴随着质子化过程发生。
关键词: 呋咱衍生物  晶体结构  比色/荧光探针  阴离子识别
Abstract: 4-chloro-7-nitrobenzofurazan derivative was prepared as colorimetric and fluorescenc anion probe which recognized F- and AcO- selectively. The crystal structure was determined by X-ray singlecrystal diffraction and showed that the crystal belongs to triclinic; space group was P1. After addition of F- or AcO- to the probe solution of CH3CN, it gave rise to colour change from orange to red, which was visible to the naked eyes in a short time, and it also led to the fluorescence enhancement. The solvent effect and 1H NMR investigation confirmed that the hydrogen bonds were formed between F- or AcO- and probe, and there was also a deprotonation of binding fragment during the hydrogen bond formation. CCDC: 855144.
Keywords: furazan derivative  X-ray crystallographic  fluorescent and colorimetric chemosensor  anion recognition
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傅 玉,曾 晞,牟 兰,江学凯,邓 敏,张云黔,张建新,卫 钢.新型呋咱阴离子探针的合成、晶体结构及性质研究[J].无机化学学报,2012,28(8):1635-1642.
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