Anodic Oxidation Mechanism and Annealing Influence of TiO2 Nanotubes Arrays
殷广明 中国地质大学(北京)能源学院北京 100084
齐齐哈尔大学分析测试中心齐齐哈尔 161006 
刘大锰 中国地质大学(北京)能源学院北京 100084 
陈 伟 中国地质大学(北京)能源学院北京 100084 
阚 伟 齐齐哈尔大学分析测试中心齐齐哈尔 161006 
摘要: 采用阳极氧化方法,在NH4F+H2O的乙二醇溶液体系下制备了TiO2纳米管列阵薄膜,建立了TiO2纳米管列阵薄膜的“电场诱导”生长模型。TiO2纳米管的管形结构形成与TiO2的半导体性质相关。纳米管表面吸附的纳米粒子与管壁间空间有关系。经过退火处理的纳米管管口由12~14个直径为25~35 nm的纳米颗粒团聚体组成,600 ℃时,纳米管结构已被破坏。经过300~600 ℃之间不同温度处理后的TiO2纳米管呈现锐钛矿晶态,比表面积随温度升高呈下降趋势。
关键词: TiO2纳米管  阳极氧化  生长机理  热处理
Abstract: In NH4F+H2O ethylene glycol solution, the TiO2 nanotube arrays were fabricated on the Ti substrate via anodic oxidation method at room temperature. The induced electric-field growth model of TiO2 nanotube arrays was created. The formation of TiO2 nanotubes′ tubular morphology is bound up with TiO2 semiconductor properties, The results show that there is relationship between nanoparticles on nanotube surface and space between walls. After annealing treatment, nanotube wall was comprised of 12~14 nanoparticles which the diameter of 25~35 nm, and the nanotubes′ structure has been destroyed at 600 ℃. TiO2 nanotubes present Anatase after annealing between 300~600 ℃. Specific surface area of nanotubes drop with temperature rise.
Keywords: TiO2 nanotubes  anodic oxidation  growth mechanism  annealing
摘要点击次数:  1394
全文下载次数:  2116
殷广明,刘大锰,陈 伟,阚 伟.TiO2纳米管阳极氧化制备机理及热处理对其影响[J].无机化学学报,2012,28(6):1205-1209.
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