MgIn2: Synthesis, Crystal and Band Structure
雷晓武 济宁学院化学与化工系曲阜 273155 
岳呈阳 济宁学院化学与化工系曲阜 273155 
张慧苹 济宁学院化学与化工系曲阜 273155 
摘要: 在惰性气氛氩气保护下,通过高温固相反应合成得到了一个二元极性金属间化合物MgIn2。经X-射线单晶衍射与元素分析等方法确定了其晶体结构。MgIn2属立方体系,空间群为Fd3m(No.227),晶体学参数a=0.956 13(16) nm,V=0.874 1(3) nm3,Z=8,R1=0.035 3,wR2=0.082 8。MgIn2属于CaAl2结构类型,其结构特征为[In4]四面体通过共用顶点In原子链接而成的三维框架结构,Mg原子填充在三维框架的空隙中。能带结构计算表明MgIn2属于金属性的化合物。
关键词: 极性金属间化合物  In化物  晶体结构  量化计算
Abstract: A binary intermetallic compound, MgIn2, has been synthesized by solid-state reaction of the corresponding pure elements in a welded tantalum tube at high temperature. The crystal structure of the title compound was established by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. MgIn2 crystallizes in cubic crystal system, space group Fd3m (No.227) with a=0.956 13(16) nm,V=0.874 1(3) nm3, Z=8, R1=0.035 3, wR2=0.082 8. The structure of MgIn2 belongs to the CaAl2 type. It is also isostructural with BaAl2 and features a 3D framework based on [In4] tetrahedron interconnected via corner-sharing. The Mg atoms are located in the space of the 3D framework. The MgIn2 is metallic as indicated by the results from the extended Hückel band structure calculations. ICSD: 423608.
Keywords: intermetallic  indides  crystal structure  band structure calculation
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