氧等离子体改性的聚苯胺/碳纳米管电化学性能 |
Polyaniline/Carbon Nanotubes Treated by Oxygen Plasma and Their Electrochemical Properties |
摘要: 由乳液聚合法制备聚苯胺/碳纳米管复合电极材料,再利用感应耦合氧等离子体源对其进行射频放电处理,制得改性后的复合材料,进一步研究氧等离子体处理时间对材料表面性质和电化学性能的影响。通过SEM和FTIR对复合材料的表面形貌和组成进行分析和表征,结果显示复合材料在改性后的微观形貌均一,粒径变小且颗粒间团聚减轻,材料表面引入了羟基官能团。电化学测试表明,经氧等离子体改性处理10 min后,聚苯胺/碳纳米管复合材料具有突出的电化学特性,比电容为287.8 F·g-1,为改性前的1.7倍,同时等效串联电阻(ESR)降低了67.7%,是一种优良的超级电容器电极材料。由此也表明氧等离子体改性是一种高效的电极材料改性方法。 |
关键词: 聚苯胺/碳纳米管 等离子体改性 超级电容器 电化学性能 |
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Abstract: The PANI/CNTs composite material was prepared through emulsion polymerization, and then the product had been modified by the induction-coupled oxygen plasma to get the electrode material for super-capacitor. The influences of the modification time on the electrode material surface property and its electrochemical properties were investigated. Based on the analysis of the SEM and FTIR, the results revealed that the particle size of the composite material become smaller and less aggregation of the particles were obtained, and some active fuctional groups were introduced. The electrochemical tests demonstrate that the PANI/CNTs composite material modified by the oxygen plasma after 10 min has perfect supercapacitive properties, the specific capacitance is 287.8 F·g-1, which is 1.7 times before the modification. Meanwhile its equivalent series resistance (ESR) decreased by 67.7%. The PANI/CNTs composited material modified by the oxygen plasma is an excellent electrode material for the supercapacitor. It also reveals that the oxygen plasma modification is an efficient method for the preparation of electrode material. |
Keywords: PANI/CNTs plasma modification supercapacitor electrochemical properties |
摘要点击次数: 1424 |
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张 莉,李 琛.氧等离子体改性的聚苯胺/碳纳米管电化学性能[J].无机化学学报,2012,28(4):698-702. |
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