Preparation and Hydrogen Storage Properties of Mg2CoH5 Nanocrystals with 18-Electrons Structure
马建丽 南开大学先进能源材料化学教育部重点实验室天津 300071 
王 艳 南开大学先进能源材料化学教育部重点实验室天津 300071 
陶占良 南开大学先进能源材料化学教育部重点实验室天津 300071 
陈 军 南开大学先进能源材料化学教育部重点实验室天津 300071 
摘要: 本文研究了Mg2CoH5纳米晶的制备及其储氢性能。在室温和氩气气氛下,以MgH2和纳米Co为原料,采用球磨法制备了Mg2CoH5纳米晶。对所制备Mg2CoH5的组成、结构和形貌进行了表征,并且对Mg2CoH5的储氢性能进行了研究。实验结果表明,通过该种方法制备了纯度较高(产物纯度为79%)的四方结构Mg2CoH5纳米晶,其形貌呈球形且分布较均匀,最频粒径为80 nm。制备的Mg2CoH5纳米晶具有较低的活化能和较好的吸放氢动力学性能,其放氢的脱附焓和脱附熵分别为-115.0 kJ·mol-1 H2和-193.6.1 J·mol-1·K-1 H2。再氢化时,在543 K时仅7 min内其吸氢量就达到1.5wt%。
关键词: Mg2CoH5纳米晶  储氢性能  制备  球磨法
Abstract: This paper reports on the preparation of Mg2CoH5 nanocrystals and their hydrogen storage properties. Mg2CoH5 nanocrystals have been synthesized by mechanical ball-milling the mixture of MgH2 and Co nanoparticles at room temperature under an argon atmosphere. The crystal structure, morphologies, and hydrogen storage properties of the as-prepared Mg2CoH5 nanocrystals are investigated. The results show that the tetragonal Mg2CoH5 nanocrystals (79%) are obtained by a ball-milling method at room temperature. The as-prepared Mg2CoH5 nanocrystals present a spherical shape with a well-proportioned particle size distribution around 80 nm. Mg2CoH5 nanocrystals show fast absorption/desorption kinetics. The desorption enthalpy and entropy for Mg2CoH5 are -115.0 kJ·mol-1 H2 and -193.6.1 J·mol-1·K-1 H2, respectively. At 543 K, the hydrogen-desorbed sample can absorb about 1.5wt% hydrogen in 7 min only.
Keywords: Mg2CoH5 nanocrystals  hydrogen storage property  preparation  mechanical ball-milling method
摘要点击次数:  1672
全文下载次数:  1998
马建丽,王 艳,陶占良,陈 军.具有18电子结构的Mg2CoH5纳米晶制备及其储氢性能研究[J].无机化学学报,2012,28(4):657-661.
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