Co-Ni2P/SBA-15/Cordierite Monolithic Catalysts: Preparation and Performance for Hydrodesulfurization of Dibenzothiophene
吴平易 中国石油石油化工研究院北京 100195
北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室北京 100029 
兰 玲 中国石油石油化工研究院北京 100195 
季生福 北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室北京 100029 
魏 妮 北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室北京 100029 
吕忠武 中国石油石油化工研究院北京 100195 
刘 辉 北京化工大学化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室北京 100029 
摘要: 用共浸渍法制备了Co-Ni2P/SBA-15前躯体,将其调制成活性胶后均匀涂覆到预处理后的堇青石载体上,程序升温还原后制备了一系列Co-Ni2P/SBA-15/堇青石整体式催化剂。采用XRD、N2吸脱附和XPS等对催化剂进行了表征,以1 wt%二苯并噻吩(DBT)/十氢萘溶液为模型化合物,在微型固定床反应器上对催化剂的加氢脱硫(HDS)性能进行了评价。结果表明,不同Co含量的Co-Ni2P/SBA-15/堇青石整体式催化剂中都形成了Ni2P相。Co的加入提高Ni2P/SBA-15/堇青石催化剂的比表面积和孔体积。Co含量为0.55wt%的Co-Ni2P/SBA-15/堇青石整体式催化剂有最好的二苯并噻吩加氢脱硫活性,在380 ℃,二苯并噻吩转化率能够达到98.8%。Co的加入能够提高二苯并噻吩直接加氢脱硫产物联苯的选择性。
关键词: Co  Ni2P  堇青石  加氢脱硫
Abstract: A series of Co-Ni2P/SBA-15/cordierite monolithic catalysts were prepared by coating the slurry of the Co-Ni2P/SBA-15 precursors on a pretreated cordierite support, and followed by temperature-programmed reduction in a H2 flow. The samples were characterized by XRD, N2 adsorption-desorption and XPS. The catalytic activities for the hydrodesulfurization (HDS) of dibenzothiophene (DBT) were evaluated. The results showed that Ni2P phase was present in the all Co-Ni2P/SBA-15/cordierite monolithic catalysts. The surface areas and pore volume of the Co-Ni2P/SBA-15/cordierite monolithic catalysts slightly increased when Co was added to the Ni2P/SBA-15/cordierite monolithic catalyst. The Co-Ni2P/SBA-15/cordierite monolithic catalyst with Co loading of 0.55wt% exhibited the highest conversion of 98.8% at 380 ℃ for DBT. The biphenyl (BP) selectivity was improved by adding the Co to the Ni2P/SBA-15/cordierite monolithic catalysts.
Keywords: Co  Ni2P  cordierite  hydrodesulfurization
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吴平易,兰 玲,季生福,魏 妮,吕忠武,刘 辉.Co-Ni2P/SBA-15/Cordierite整体式催化剂的制备及其二苯并噻吩加氢脱硫性能(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2012,28(3):565-571.
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