FTIR Spectroelectrochemistry Study on the Reduction of CO2 at a Gold Electrode Interface
陈 晨 安徽大学化学化工学院合肥 230039 
金葆康 安徽大学化学化工学院合肥 230039 
摘要: 以碳酸丙烯酯(PrC)为溶剂,高氯酸四丁基胺(TBAP)为电解质,利用电化学及红外光谱电化学开展了金电极上二氧化碳的还原研究。运用现场红外光谱跟踪电化学还原过程反应物及产物的生成和消失。红外光谱电化学循环伏吸法表明,在消耗CO2的同时,金电极上有CO的产生,且伴随有碳酸根的形成。结合电化学和光谱电化学结果,提出了一种电还原机理:在非水介质中,CO2电还原过程中生成了中间体CO2·-,随后CO2·-分别以两个途径进行还原,其一是直接被还原成CO,其二是与CO2结合生成C2O4·-而后歧化成CO以及CO32-。两个反应同时进行,且第一个反应是可逆过程。
关键词: CO2  电化学还原  红外光谱电化学
Abstract: Electrochemistry and FTIR spectroelectrochemistry methods were used for investigating the reduction of CO2 on gold surface in propylene carbonate (PrC) including tetrabutyl ammonium perchlorate (TBAP) as electrolyte. By using the infrared spectroelectrochemistry cyclic voltabsorptometry (CVA), it is found that with the decrease of CO2, the CO and CO32- were produced. Combined with the results obtained from electrochemistry and FTIR spectroelectrochemistry, the electrochemical reduction mechanism of CO2 in the non-aqueous media is proposed: CO2·- was generated firstly, and then CO2·- reduced to CO by two pathways. One is electrochemically reduced to CO directly, the other is CO2·- radicals reaction with CO2 to generate C2O4·-, then leading to formation of CO and CO32-. Both of them carried out at the same time the former is reversible process.
Keywords: CO2  electrochemical reduction  FTIR spectroelectrochemistry
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陈 晨,金葆康.红外光谱电化学研究金电极表面上CO2的还原[J].无机化学学报,2012,28(3):541-545.
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