Enhanced Long Persistence of Sr2SnO4∶Sm3+ Phosphor by Co-doping with La3+
沙 磊 暨南大学化学系纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
刘应亮 暨南大学化学系纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
雷炳富 暨南大学物理系广州 510632 
阳 区 暨南大学化学系纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
余彩霞 暨南大学化学系纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
摘要: 研究了以La3+离子为辅助激活剂,对Sm3+掺杂的发光材料Sr2SnO4∶Sm3+余辉性能的影响。采用传统的高温固相法合成Sr2SnO4 ∶Sm3+,La3+红色长余辉发光材料。利用X射线粉末衍射仪、荧光光谱仪、热释光剂量仪等手段对粉末样品进行了表征。分析结果表明,在1 400 ℃得到了单相Sr2SnO4,Sr2SnO4∶Sm3+, La3+发光粉末有563、599和646 nm 3个发射峰,与Sm3+单掺杂的Sr2SnO4∶Sm3+相比,其光谱发射峰位没有明显变化。余辉亮度衰减曲线表明适量的La3+掺杂可以延长Sr2SnO4∶Sm3+的余辉时间。通过对热释光谱的分析,解释了双掺杂发光粉余辉性能增强的原因,La3+掺杂增加了更多适宜深度的陷阱(VSr″),可以有效存储光能,增强余辉的时间和强度。
关键词: 发光学  余辉  Sr2SnO4      热释光
Abstract: It is necessary to further improve the afterglow properties of Sr2SnO4∶Sm3+ red afterglow phosphors in consideration of its potential practical applications. In this work, Sr2SnO4∶Sm3+ red afterglow phosphors were prepared via the conventional solid-state reaction route and the enhanced properties were observed when La3+ ions were co-doped. The as-synthesized Sr2SnO4∶Sm3+,La3+ phosphors were characterized by using XRD, photolu-minescence and thermoluminescence spectrascopy. Sr2SnO4∶Sm3+ red afterglow phosphors are pure phase at 1 400 ℃ under atmospheric pressure. The emission spectrum shows that there are at least three peaks located at 563, 599 and 646 nm, and the peaks can be assigned to the 4G5/26HJ (J=5/2, 7/2, 9/2) transitions of Sm3+ ion. The presence of La3+ ion does not cause any change in the emission spectrum of samarium. The decay patterns of afterglow curves demonstrate that the afterglow time of Sr2SnO4∶Sm3+ could be extended by the incorporation of La3+. The thermoluminescence glow curve results confirm that the enhanced afterglow properties of Sr2SnO4∶Sm3+, La3+ is comparable to Sr2SnO4∶Sm3+. This implies that the codoping increases more appropriate traps (VSr″) which are in favour of energy storage, higher brightness and longer lasting time.
Keywords: optics  long afterglow  Sr2SnO4  lanthanum  samarium  thermoluminescence
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全文下载次数:  2247
沙 磊,刘应亮,雷炳富,阳 区,余彩霞.共掺La3+对Sr2SnO4∶Sm3+的余辉增强[J].无机化学学报,2012,28(3):523-526.
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