Pressure-Sensitive Paint with Erbium-Doped Bipyridyl Ruthenium Probe: Preparation and Oxygen Quenching Properties
包秀珍 长春理工大学化学与环境工程学院长春 130022 
孙 晶 长春理工大学化学与环境工程学院长春 130022 
金光勇 长春理工大学化学与环境工程学院长春 130022 
闫玲玲 长春理工大学化学与环境工程学院长春 130022 
翟晓杰 长春理工大学化学与环境工程学院长春 130022 
摘要: 以2,2′-联吡啶,三氯化钌(RuCl3),氯化铒(ErCl3)为原料合成了铒掺杂的探针分子。将探针分子加入到铕掺杂的硅溶胶基质中获得了铕、铒共掺杂的压敏漆样品。采用IR,SEM,EDS及荧光发射光谱对探针分子和压敏漆进行了表征。红外光谱结果表明,探针分子中联吡啶的结构没有被破坏。扫描电镜观察发现探针分子呈片状,EDS测试发现探针分子表面含有Er,Ru等元素。紫外吸收光谱表明压敏漆的最佳吸收波段位于200~500 nm处,选择410 nm作为激发光源,压敏漆在590 nm处有很强的荧光发射,并且随着空气压力的增大(即氧分子浓度的增加),压敏漆的荧光发射强度降低,说明压敏漆具有较好的氧猝灭特性。
关键词: 压敏漆  掺铕硅胶  掺铒联吡啶钌  氧猝灭
Abstract: Erbium doped probe molecule was synthesized using bipyridyl, RuCl3, ErCl3 as the raw materials. Eu, Er co-doped pressure-sensitive paint samples were fabricated by adding the Er doped probe molecule into the Eu doped silica matrix. The pressure-sensitive paint and the probe molecule were characterized by IR, SEM, EDS and fluorescence emission spectroscopy. IR results show that the bipyridyl structure of the probe molecule is retained. SEM results indicate a petal-shape for the probe molecule. EDS results confirm that Er, Ru and other elements are found in the surface of pressure-sensitive paint. UV absorption spectra show that the absorption band of the pressure-sensitive paint is 200~500 nm, the strongest fluorescence emission peak is at 590 nm when the pressure-sensitive paint is excited by 410 nm, and the fluorescence intensity of the pressure-sensitive paint is decreased with the increase in oxygen concentration, indicating a good oxygen quenching characteristics of the pressure-sensitive paint.
Keywords: pressure-sensitive paint  Eu doped silica gel  Er doped bipyridyl  oxygen quenching
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包秀珍,孙 晶,金光勇,闫玲玲,翟晓杰.掺铒联吡啶钌为探针分子压敏漆的制备及氧猝灭特性[J].无机化学学报,2012,28(3):515-518.
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