Fabrication of Nanoporous Mullite Ceramics
王冬冬 中钢集团洛阳耐火材料研究院有限公司先进耐火材料国家重点实验室洛阳 471039 
王 刚 中钢集团洛阳耐火材料研究院有限公司先进耐火材料国家重点实验室洛阳 471039 
孙小飞 中钢集团洛阳耐火材料研究院有限公司先进耐火材料国家重点实验室洛阳 471039 
凌亚平 中钢集团洛阳耐火材料研究院有限公司先进耐火材料国家重点实验室洛阳 471039 
丁书强 中钢集团洛阳耐火材料研究院有限公司先进耐火材料国家重点实验室洛阳 471039 
李红霞 中钢集团洛阳耐火材料研究院有限公司先进耐火材料国家重点实验室洛阳 471039 
摘要: 以正硅酸乙酯(TEOS)提供硅源、纳米氧化铝(d90=50 nm)提供铝源,通过溶胶-凝胶法与超临界干燥技术,制备了分散纳米氧化铝的SiO2气凝胶块体,所得复合气凝胶块体经1 200 ℃、1 300 ℃热处理后,得到了纳米孔莫来石陶瓷材料。XRD测试表明:凝胶体在1 200 ℃热处理后发生了莫来石化,1 300 ℃莫来石化基本完成。压汞仪与场发射扫描电镜结果显示:凝胶块体经1 200、1 300 ℃热处理后,形成了具有纳米多孔结构的莫来石陶瓷材料,其骨架结构包含有200~400 nm的大孔,以及大量位于其孔壁上的6~30 nm的介孔。由于莫来石化的进行,热处理后的陶瓷材料的纳米孔结构具有更高的热稳定性。
关键词: 溶胶-凝胶  莫来石化  纳米孔  莫来石陶瓷
Abstract: The silica aerogels composited with alumina nano-particles were prepared by sol-gel method and supercritical drying technique, using TEOS and alumina nano-particles as the precursors. The nanoporous mullite materials were obtained by the calcination of the aerogel monoliths at 1 200 and 1 300 ℃, and were characterized by means of XRD, FESEM and mercury porosimetry. The results of XRD indicate that mullitization appears after calcination at 1 200 ℃. The results of mercury porosimetry and FESEM show that mullite ceramic materials possess porous microstructure with the pore size of 200~400 nm and 6~30 nm. Owing to the mullitization, the porous microstrcture of mullite ceramic materials has higher thermal stability.
Keywords: Sol-Gel  mullitization  nanopore  mullite ceramic
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王冬冬,王 刚,孙小飞,凌亚平,丁书强,李红霞.纳米孔莫来石陶瓷材料的制备[J].无机化学学报,2012,28(3):491-494.
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