Preparation of the Pt-HxWO3 Electrode and Electro-Catalysis for Hydrogen Oxidation
赵文文 南京工业大学材料科学与工程学院南京 210009 
杨 勇 南京工业大学材料科学与工程学院南京 210009 
张 华 南京工业大学材料科学与工程学院南京 210009 
摘要: 采用电化学还原法在表面改性的碳布上,通过改变催化剂沉积顺序及氢钨青铜沉积时间制备铂-氢钨青铜复合催化剂,所得电极作为质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)阳极。利用X射线衍射(XRD)、热重分析(TG)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、循环伏安(CV)及单电池极化性能测试研究了催化剂的组成、沉积量、分散性及其对氢氧化的电催化活性。实验结果表明,氢钨青铜沉积时间及催化剂沉积顺序对电极催化性能有显著影响,当氢钨青铜沉积时间为10 min,先沉积氢钨青铜、后沉积铂所得Pt/HxWO3电极对氢氧化具有最佳的催化活性。适量的氢钨青铜才能与铂形成较好的协同催化效应。
关键词: 质子交换膜燃料电池  电化学还原法  氢钨青铜  表面改性
Abstract: Anodes of proton exchange membrane fuel cell with platinum-hydrogen tungsten bronze (HxWO3) as composite catalysts were prepared by electrochemical reduction on the modified surface of carbon cloth. The catalysts were characterized by XRD, TG, SEM, CV and the single-cell polarization tests. The results showed that the order of electrochemical reduction and the deposition time of hydrogen tungsten bronze had major impacts on catalytic properties. When the deposition time of hydrogen tungsten bronze was 10min, the composite catalyst of Pt/HxWO3 exhibited the highest catalytic activity for hydrogen oxidation. A suitable amount of hydrogen tungsten bronze may exhibite better synergistic catalytic effect.
Keywords: proton exchange membrane fuel cell  electrochemical reduction  hydrogen tungsten bronze  surface modification
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赵文文,杨 勇,张 华.铂-氢钨青铜电极的制备及对氢氧化的电催化[J].无机化学学报,2012,28(2):314-320.
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