Preparation of Flower-Like SnS Microsphere via CTAB Assisted Microwave Hydrothermal Synthesis
张培培 陕西科技大学教育部轻化工助剂化学与技术重点实验室西安 710021 
黄剑锋 陕西科技大学教育部轻化工助剂化学与技术重点实验室西安 710021 
曹丽云 陕西科技大学教育部轻化工助剂化学与技术重点实验室西安 710021 
辛 宇 陕西科技大学教育部轻化工助剂化学与技术重点实验室西安 710021 
摘要: 以氯化亚锡(SnCl2·2H2O)和硫代乙酰胺(TAA)为前驱物,十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTAB)为表面活性剂,采用微波水热法控制合成花簇状SnS微球。采用XRD和FESEM等分析手段对制备的样品进行表征。结果表明:合成的产物为正交晶系的SnS微晶,且结晶性良好;SnS微晶是由长方形纳米片自组装而成的花簇状微球。通过改变CTAB用量,可以实现花簇状SnS微晶的形貌和尺寸的调控,并初步分析了其形成过程。利用紫外-可见吸收光谱分析,产物的光学带隙约为1.51 eV;室温光致发光光谱表明,产物在832 nm处具有近红外发光特性。
关键词: SnS  CTAB  微波水热  花簇状  光学性能
Abstract: Flower-like nanosheets clusters of SnS were synthesized by the reactions of SnCl2·2H2O and CH3CSNH2 in the presence of CTAB through a microwave hydrothermal process. XRD, FE-SEM were used to characterize the phase compositions and morphologies of as-prepared products. The results indicate that the as-prepared products are orthorhombic structure, The morphology of SnS powders have flower-like nanosheets clusters structure. The amount of CTAB plays an important role in controlling the shape and size of the products. A possible formation mechanism for the SnS with flower-like nanosheets clusters was discussed. UV-Visible spectral analysis shows that the optical band gap of the as-prepared products is about 1.51 eV. Photoluminescence spectrum measured at room temperature shows near-infrared emission at 832 nm.
Keywords: SnS  CTAB  microwave hydrothermal  flower-like nanosheets clusters  optical properties
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张培培,黄剑锋,曹丽云,辛 宇.CTAB辅助微波水热合成花簇状SnS微球[J].无机化学学报,2012,28(2):291-296.
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