Crystal Transformation from CMHP to β-TCP in Methanol
徐子颉 同济大学化学系上海 200092 
马 超 同济大学化学系上海 200092 
王芬芬 同济大学化学系上海 200092 
吉 涛 同济大学化学系上海 200092 
夏炳忠 同济大学化学系上海 200092 
甘礼华 同济大学化学系上海 200092 
摘要: 以一水合醋酸钙、浓磷酸为原料,采用湿化学合成法预先合成磷酸一氢钙(CMHP),在室温将其浸泡于定期更换的无水甲醇中,经过72 h的浸泡, CMHP转化为β-磷酸三钙( β-TCP)纳米晶。对所得样品分别进行X射线粉末衍射仪(XRD)、激光拉曼散射光谱(Raman)以及透射电镜(TEM)表征,结果表明,所得短棒状β-TCP的晶粒长度在30~60 nm之间;CMHP电离产生的氢离子通过CMHP和甲醇之间的界面层,进入甲醇本体,促使CMHP的电离以及向β-TCP的晶型转化,这种晶型转化不经过无定形态而直接转化为β-TCP纳米晶。
关键词: 磷酸一氢钙  β-磷酸三钙  甲醇  纳米晶
Abstract: Calcium monohydrogenphosphate (CMHP) were pre-fabricated by using calcium acetate monohydrate and concentrated phosphoric acid as starting materials and CMHP were transformed to β-tricalcium phosphate( β-TCP) by soaking them in exchanged methanol for 72 h at room temperature. Resultant samples were characterized by using X-ray diffraction, Raman scattering spectra and electron microscopy methods, which indicates that β-TCP were nano-crystals in a needle shape with about 30~60 nm in length. The formation of the interface between CMHP and methanol is favorable to the transmission of hydrogen ions ionized from CMHP, resulting in the direct crystal transformation from CMHP to β-TCP nano-crystals.
Keywords: β-tricalcium phosphate  calcium monohydrogenphosphate  methanol  nano-crystal
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徐子颉,马 超,王芬芬,吉 涛,夏炳忠,甘礼华.磷酸一氢钙在甲醇中转化为β-磷酸三钙纳米晶的研究[J].无机化学学报,2012,28(2):215-220.
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