Thermal Degradation Properties of Flexible PVC Filled with Alumina Trihydrate and Magnesium Hydroxide
何 翊 中国人民武装警察部队学院训练部廊坊 065000 
摘要: 利用热重分析仪并借助电导率测定法探讨了Al(OH)3和Mg(OH)2对PVC热解特性的影响,简要分析了其机理。结果表明:加入Al(OH)3和Mg(OH)2后均能增加PVC体系在第一阶段的最大热解速率和残炭量,最大热解速率增加约1倍,残炭量增加约4倍。并且分解产生的结晶水吸收大量的热量,惰性金属氧化物也有利于成核、炭层生长和凝聚,有着明显的阻燃和抑烟作用。HCl毒性气体的释放主要集中在体系的第一阶段,Al(OH)3能促使HCl提前释放,HCl的释放总量增加,Mg(OH)2也能促使HCl提前释放,但HCl的释放总量却是减少的。
关键词: 聚氯乙烯(PVC)  金属氢氧化物  热解特性  氯化氢(HCl)
Abstract: The thermal degradation behaviors and the HCl toxic gas release characteristics of flexible PVC and its fillers treated with alumina trihydrate (ATH) and magnesium hydroxide (MH) were studied by thermal analysis and conductance method. The mechanical properties were also investigated briefly. Compared with the samples of plasticized PVC polymer without metal hydroxide additives, in the treated samples there are more rates of maximal pyrogenation at the first stage, enhancing both about one time, and higher mass of residual char, advancing about four times. The water generated is turned into steam and steam also takes heat away from the degradation points, and the inert oxides decomposed from metal hydroxides are beneficial to the process of nucleation, growth and aggregation. These are also indicated that the metal hydroxides were the very effective flame retardant and smoke suppression action for flexible PVC. The thermal decomposition behaviors of PVC and its fillers at the first stage are mainly due to the emission of HCl, the maximal absorptivity of smoke vs light, the time of maximal smoke density and the mass of residue after burning change markedly. Metal hydroxides can be taken as effective catalyzers for the evolution of hydrogen chloride and char formation in the thermal degradation process of PVC.
Keywords: poly (vinyl chloride)  metal hydroxide  thermal decomposition  hydrogen chloride
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全文下载次数:  1947
何 翊.Al(OH)3和Mg(OH)2对PVC热解特性的影响研究(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2012,28(1):207-212.
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