Synthesis of NiO Hollow Spheres Using Colloidal Carbon Spheres as Template
武拥建 暨南大学化学系纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
郑明涛 暨南大学化学系纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
谢春林 暨南大学化学系纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
靳 权 暨南大学化学系纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
易观贵 暨南大学化学系纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
刘应亮 暨南大学化学系纳米化学研究所广州 510632 
摘要: 以胶质碳球为模板、六亚甲基四胺为沉淀剂,在乙醇中溶剂热反应,再经500 ℃煅烧6 h制备了NiO空心球。通过X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)和低温氮吸附-脱附,对NiO的结构和形貌进行了表征。结果表明溶剂热反应时间是制备完整NiO空心球的关键因素,溶剂热反应12 h,再经空气中煅烧,可制得形貌均一的NiO空心球。所得产物是由NiO纳米粒子组装而成的具有多孔结构的空心球。同时,本文对NiO空心球结构的形成过程和可能机理进行了分析和讨论。
关键词: 氧化镍(NiO)  空心球  胶质碳球  溶剂热
Abstract: NiO hollow spheres were synthesized by a solvothermal reaction using colloidal carbon spheres (CCS) as sacricial template and hexamethylenetetramine (HMT) as precipitating agent in ethanol, and then calcined at 500 ℃ for 6 h. The characteristics of these NiO hollow spheres samples were characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM, FTIR and low temperature nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms. The results show that solvothermal reaction time is crucial to the integrity of the hollow spheres. The well defined NiO hollow spheres can be synthesized through 12 h solvothermal treatment and then calcination in air. The as-synthesized NiO hollow spheres have the porous wall consisted of nanosized particles. Moreover, the formation mechanism of NiO hollow spheres is also discussed.
Keywords: NiO  hollow spheres  colloidal carbon spheres  solvothermal
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武拥建,郑明涛,谢春林,靳 权,易观贵,刘应亮.胶质碳球为模板制备NiO空心球(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(12):2447-2452.
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