CA配合法制备β-Al2O3固体电解质 |
Synthesis of β-Al2O3 Solid Electrolytes by the CA Complexing Sol-Gel Method |
摘要: 采用柠檬酸(CA)做还原剂,硝酸盐做氧化剂,利用溶胶凝胶-低温燃烧合成工艺制备了β-Al2O3前驱粉料,并利用热分析(TG/DSC)、红外吸收光谱分析(FTIR)、X射线衍射分析(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)和交流阻抗谱(EIS)等测试技术对β-Al2O3的合成工艺进行了详细的研究。结果表明:该法合成β-Al2O3前驱粉料的温度为1 150 ℃,比固相反应法低了150 ℃,平均粒径约为38 nm,具有较好的成型和烧结性能。将素坯在1 630 ℃保温烧结,得到的烧结体相对密度为96%以上,350 ℃时的电导率为0.061 S·cm-1。 |
关键词: 钠硫电池 溶胶凝胶-低温燃烧 CA β-Al2O3 |
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Abstract: β-Al2O3 precursor powders were synthesized by the CA complexing sol-gel method at lower temperatures using metal nitrate and CA as raw materials. The thermal decomposition mechanism of the gel and the formation process of β-Al2O3 were investigated by XRD, FTIR, TG/DSC, EIS and SEM. The results showed that β-Al2O3 precursor powder with the average size of 38 nm was obtained at 1 150 ℃, 150 ℃ lower than the solid state reaction. The precursor powder had good sintering property and the relative density of the electrolyte ceramic up to over 96% can be manufactured at 1 630 ℃. The ionic conductivity at 350 ℃ was 0.061 S·cm-1. |
Keywords: solid electrolyte sol-gel CA β-Al2O3 |
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朱承飞,薛金花,王 李.CA配合法制备β-Al2O3固体电解质[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(12):2377-2382. |
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