Synthesis, Structure, and Luminescent Property of a Two-Fold Interpenetrating 3D Zn(Ⅱ) Coordination Polymer Constructed from Imidazole Derivatives
刘宏文 韶关学院化学系韶关 512005 
卢文贯 韶关学院化学系韶关 512005 
摘要: 以ZnCl2、H3IDC(咪唑-4,5-二羧酸)和bix(1,4-双(咪唑基-1-甲基)-苯)为原料,在水热条件下得到了1个新的二重穿插的三维层-柱状金属-有机框架结构的配位聚合物{[Zn3(IDC)(bix)1.5Cl3]·0.25H2O}n(1),并通过元素分析、红外光谱、热重分析以及单晶X-射线结构分析对其组成和结构进行了表征。单晶X-射线结构分析表明,配合物1的晶体属于单斜晶系,P21/c空间群,a=1.158 44(17) nm,b=1.088 75(16) nm,c=2.391 7(3) nm,β=96.835(2)°,V=2.995 1(8) nm3,Z=4,Dc=1.813 g·cm-3F(000)=1 638,对于4 772个可观测点(I>2σ(I)),最终残差因子R1=0.037 9,wR2=0.089 6。在配合物1中,每个IDC3-分别桥联4个锌(Ⅱ)离子形成一维锯齿形链状结构,一维链通过cis2-bix的2个氮原子连接形成二维网状结构,相邻的二维层之间再通过trans2-bix的2个氮原子进一步连接形成了二重穿插的三维层-柱状金属-有机框架结构。固体室温荧光测试结果表明,配合物1在波长为400 nm的光激发下于468 nm处出现强烈的荧光发射。
关键词: 金属-有机框架  晶体结构  荧光性质  锌配合物
Abstract: Reaction of imidazole-4,5-dicarboxylic acid (H3IDC), 1,4-bis(imidazole-1-ylmethyl)benzene (bix) with ZnCl2 under hydrothermal condition, yielded a coordination polymer of {[Zn3(IDC)(bix)1.5Cl3]·0.25H2O}n (1) with two-fold interpenetrating 3D layered-pillared metal-organic framework architecture, which was structurally characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, thermal gravimetric analysis, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction. X-ray diffraction crystal structural analysis reveals its crystallizes in monoclinic system, space group P21/c with a=1.158 44(17) nm, b=1.088 75(16) nm, c=2.391 7(3) nm, β=96.835(2)°, V=2.995 1(8) nm3, Z=4, Dc=1.813 g·cm-3, F(000)=1 638, the final R1=0.037 9, and wR2=0.089 6 for 4 772 observed reflections with I>2σ(I). In complex 1, the interconnection of Zn(Ⅱ) ions by chelating and bridging μ4-IDC3- anions result in a 1D zigzag chain structure of [Zn3( μ4-IDC)Cl3]n. These adjacent 1D zigzag chains are further linked by cis2-bix ligands to form a 2D network structure of [Zn3(IDC)(cis2-bix)Cl3]n, which are further pillared by trans2-bix ligands to generate a two-fold interpenetrating 3D layered-pillared framework of [Zn3( μ4-IDC)(cis2-bix)(trans2-bix)0.5Cl3]n. Furthermore, the luminescent property of complex 1 was also investigated at room temperature in the solid state. CCDC: 772778.
Keywords: metal-organic framework  crystal structure  luminescent property  zinc complex
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