Effect of Reaction Temperature on Microwave-Hydrothermal Synthesis and Photocatalytic Properties of Bi2WO6 Powders
宋丽花 陕西科技大学材料科学与工程学院西安 710021 
谈国强 陕西科技大学材料科学与工程学院西安 710021 
夏 傲 陕西科技大学材料科学与工程学院西安 710021 
魏莎莎 陕西科技大学材料科学与工程学院西安 710021 
章 薇 陕西科技大学材料科学与工程学院西安 710021 
摘要: 以Na2WO4·2H2O和Bi(NO3)3·5H2O为原料,用微波水热法在140~200 ℃保温1 h合成出不同形貌的正交晶相粉体。利用 XRD、FE-SEM、BET、DRS等分析手段表征了Bi2WO6粉体,以RhB溶液为目标降解物,对不同反应温度下合成粉体的光催化性能进行了研究,结果表明:反应温度对合成Bi2WO6粉体的物相、形貌及光催化性能均有较大影响,180 ℃时合成的绒线团状Bi2WO6粉体比表面积为25.63 m2·g-1,禁带宽度为2.92 eV,因光在粉体催化剂内产生了漫反射,光催化效果最佳,在可见光照射下3h时RhB溶液降解率达到了96%,紫外光照射下2 h时RhB溶液降解率达到了98%以上。
关键词: Bi2WO6  微波水热法  光催化性能
Abstract: The pure orthorhombic Bi2WO6 crystal phase powders with different morphologies were synthesized by a microwave-hydrothermal method at 140~200 ℃ for 1 h, using Na2WO4·2H2O and Bi(NO3)3·5H2O as the raw materials. The Bi2WO6 powders were characterized by the analytical methods, such as XRD, FE-SEM, BET and DRS. Photocatalytic activities of the samples prepared at different reaction temperatures were also studied by the photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine-B (RhB) aqueous solution under ultraviolet light and visible light irradiation respectively. The results indicated that the reaction temperature had a great effect on the phase, morphology and photocatalytic property of the Bi2WO6 powders. Due to the light generated diffuse reflection within powder catalysts, the optimal photocatalytic property was found in the woolen-clew-like Bi2WO6 powders prepared at 180 ℃ with BET surface area of 25.63 m2·g-1 and Eg of 2.92 eV, with which the degraded rate of RhB solution reached to 96% of RhB under the visible light for 3 h, while the degraded rate of RhB solution got to 98% under the ultraviolet light for 2 h.
Keywords: Bi2WO6  microwave-hydrothermal method  photocatalytic properties
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宋丽花,谈国强,夏 傲,魏莎莎,章 薇.反应温度对微波水热法合成Bi2WO6粉体及光催化性能影响的研究[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(11):2133-2137.
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