一个具有大Stokes位移的苯并噻唑类pH荧光探针 |
A New Benzothiazole-Derived pH Fluorescent Sensor of Large Stokes Shift |
摘要: 本文通过乙烯基将作为荧光团的苯并噻唑与作为H+受体的4-吡啶基桥联构筑了一个基于分子内电荷转移机制的pH荧光探针BTP2。研究表明该探针的Stokes位移为237 nm,远大于相应2-吡啶基类似物BTP1。滴定实验表明该探针的荧光在pH 3.80至5.50之间随pH值增大而增强,且不受其他金属离子的干扰,具有检测胞内酸性细胞器pH的良好前景。探针pKa为4.72,略高于BTP1。4-吡啶基连接导致的更大的Stokes位移表明调节吡啶连接位置可以实现对该类探针分子Stokes位移的调控。 |
关键词: 苯并噻唑 pH Stokes位移 荧光探针 |
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Abstract: A new intramolecular charge transfer pH fluorescent sensor BTP2 was constructed by vinyl bridging benzothiazole fluorophore with the H+ acceptor, 4-pyridyl group via a vinyl group. Emission spectroscopic study disclosed that this new compound has a Stokes shift of 237 nm, which is much larger than that of its analogue BTP1 of 2-pyridyl group. Titration experiment indicated that the emission of BTP2 increases with pH in the pH range from 3.80 to 5.50. Moreover, this pH sensing ability is not interfered by the coexisting metal cations, which provides BTP2 the potential for intracellular pH imaging of acidic organelles. Its pKa is around 4.72, slightly larger than that of BTP1. The 4-pyridyl group induced larger Stokes shift implies that altering the bridging site of pyridyl group might be an effective means to regulate the Stokes shift of these pH probe. |
Keywords: benzothiazole pH Stokes shift fluorescent sensor |
摘要点击次数: 2344 |
全文下载次数: 2309 |
刘 超,孙 辉,杨晓亮,何卫江.一个具有大Stokes位移的苯并噻唑类pH荧光探针[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(11):2121-2127. |
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