Effect of Lattice Parameters of Zr1-xMxWMoO8-x/2 and Zr1-xMxW2O8-x/2 Solid Solutions on Lattice Distortion
郭富丽 北京师范大学化学学院和分析测试中心北京 100875 
马 辉 北京师范大学化学学院和分析测试中心北京 100875 
杨晓晶 北京师范大学化学学院和分析测试中心北京 100875 
邓学彬 北京师范大学化学学院和分析测试中心北京 100875 
赵新华 北京师范大学化学学院和分析测试中心北京 100875 
摘要: 合成了Zr1-xMxWMoO8-x/2(M=Er,Tm,Yb,Sc,In,Ga,Al)和Zr1-xMxW2O8-x/2(M=Eu,Er,Yb,Sc,In,Ga,Al)2个系列的固溶体,前者具有β-ZrW2O8结构类型(简称β相);后者具有α-ZrW2O8结构类型(简称α相)。建立了相和相的晶胞参数与M3+离子浓度的Vegard方程,测定了上述固溶体的固溶度。讨论了M3+离子的化学性质与Vegard斜率SV的关系。分析了α相的SαA与β相的SβA的关系;揭示了α-Zr1-xMxW2O8-x/2晶格中2[WO4]四面体对的取向有序程度对晶格畸变的贡献。提出上述固溶体的晶胞参数随溶质浓度增加而减小,主要是由于氧空位缺陷相互作用的结果。
关键词: 固溶体  固溶度  负热膨胀性质  Vegard斜率
Abstract: The Zr1-xMxWMoO8-x/2(M=Er, Tm, Yb, Sc, In, Ga, Al) and Zr1-xMxW2O8-x/2(M=Sc, In, Ga, Al) solid solutions were synthesized. Their XRD patterns show typical structure of β- and α- ZrW2O8, respectively. The lattice parameters α′s for both series of solid solutions are linear functions of the M3+ concentrationM within the limited solubility, and could be described by Vegard equations with the slope of SαM or SβM dependent of the difference in ionic radius and the electro-negativity of the M3+ ion. However, SαM of α-Zr1-xMxW2O8-x/2 appears to be also associated with the partial orientation of 2[WO4] pair. In addition, the contraction of the lattice parameters observed for both series of the solid solutions are possibly caused primarily by the oxygen vacancy defect.
Keywords: solid solution  solid solubility  negative thermal expansion  vegard slope
摘要点击次数:  1944
全文下载次数:  1528
郭富丽,马 辉,杨晓晶,邓学彬,赵新华.Zr1-xMxWMoO8-x/2和Zr1-xMxW2O8-x/2固溶体的晶胞参数与晶格畸变的关系(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(10):2061-2065.
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