Bi2Ti2O7/TiO2 Composite Fibers: In-situ Hydrothermal Synthesis and Enhanced Photocatalytic Properties
李跃军 东北师范大学先进光电子功能材料研究中心长春130024
白城师范学院化学系白城 137000 
曹铁平 东北师范大学先进光电子功能材料研究中心长春130024
白城师范学院化学系白城 137000 
王长华 东北师范大学先进光电子功能材料研究中心长春130024 
邵长路 东北师范大学先进光电子功能材料研究中心长春130024 
摘要: 采用静电纺丝技术制备的TiO2纤维作为模板和反应物,通过原位水热合成了具有异质结构的Bi2Ti2O7/TiO2复合纤维。利用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、能量散射光谱(EDS)、高分辨透射电镜(HRTEM)和紫外可见吸收光谱(UV-Vis)等分析测试手段对样品的结构和形貌进行表征。以罗丹明B为模拟有机污染物进行光催化降解实验。结果表明:花状Bi2Ti2O7纳米结构均匀地生长在TiO2纤维上,制备了Bi2Ti2O7与TiO2相复合的光催化材料,其光谱响应范围拓宽至可见光区,与纯TiO2纤维相比可见光催化活性显著提高,且易于分离、回收和循环使用。初步探讨了Bi2Ti2O7/TiO2异质结的生长机制和光催化活性提高机理。
关键词: 静电纺丝  水热合成  Bi2Ti2O7/TiO2复合纤维  光催化
Abstract: Heterostructured Bi2Ti2O7/TiO2 composite fibers were fabricated by in situ hydrothermal technique employing TiO2 fibers as both template and reactant. The morphology and structure of Bi2Ti2O7/TiO2 composite fibers were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), energy-dispersive spectrometry (EDS), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and UV-Vis spectrocopy. The as-fabricated heterostructure composites are composed of flower-like Bi2Ti2O7 assembled uniformly on the surface of TiO2 fibers. The UV-Vis analysis indicates that the absorption spectrum of the sample is extended to the visible light region. Compared with the pure TiO2 fibers, Bi2Ti2O7/TiO2 composite fibers exhibite enhanced photocatalytic activity in the decomposition of Rhodamine B (RB) under visible light. This material also shows good catalytic stability and is easy to be separated, removed from the system after reaction and cycles. Finally, the growth mechanism of Bi2Ti2O7/TiO2 heterojunction and the mechanism for the enhancement of photocatalytic activity of heterostructured composite fibers are discussed.
Keywords: electrospinning  hydrothermal synthesis  Bi2Ti2O7/TiO2 composite fibers  photocatalytic degradation
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