固体氧化物燃料电池LSCF-SDC 纳米复合阴极制备及性能研究
Fabrication and Characterization of LSCF-SDC Composite Cathode by Infiltration Process for SOFCs
聂丽芳 天津工业大学材料科学与工程学院天津 300160 
刘俊成 天津工业大学材料科学与工程学院天津 300160 
张玉军 山东大学材料科学与工程学院济南 250061 
摘要: 利用硝酸盐溶液一次浸渗工艺在La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ(LSCF)表面涂覆Sm0.2Ce0.8O2(SDC)纳米颗粒,制备了LSCF-SDC纳米结构复合阴极。微观结构分析显示SDC纳米颗粒在LSCF表面均匀分布并且颗粒大小均一。界面阻抗图谱表明SDC浸渗极大的降低了LSCF阴极的界面极化阻抗,在750和650 ℃仅为0.074,0.44 Ω·cm2。LSCF-SDC复合阴极的表观活化能为1.42 eV,略小于纯LSCF阴极。与混合法制备的LSCF-GDC复合电极相比,采用浸渗工艺制备的LSCF-SDC纳米结构复合阴极也显示出良好的电化学催化活性。
关键词: LSCF阴极  SDC纳米颗粒  浸渗工艺  SOFC
Abstract: Porous La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ(LSCF) cathodes were coated with a thin film of Sm0.2Ce0.8O1.95-δ(SDC) using a one-step infiltration process. The SDC infiltrated LSCF cathodes were characterized by electronic microscope and impedance spectra. Examination of the microstructures reveals that well-distributed SDC nanoparticles are formed on the surface of LSCF grains with a relatively narrow size distribution. Impedance analysis indicates that the SDC infiltration has dramatically reduced the polarization of LSCF cathode, reaching the interfacial resistances of 0.074, and 0.44 Ω·cm2 at 750 and 650 ℃, respectively. The activation energy of SDC infiltrated LSCF cathodes is 1.42 eV, which is a little lower than the blank LSCF cathodes. The SDC infiltrated LSCF cathodes also shown an electrocatalytic activity comparable to or better than that of LSCF-GDC composite cathodes.
Keywords: LSCF cathode  SDC  infiltration method  SOFC
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聂丽芳,刘俊成,张玉军.固体氧化物燃料电池LSCF-SDC 纳米复合阴极制备及性能研究[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(10):1909-1913.
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