Research on Glass-Ceramization of Ga/In Based Fluorophosphates Glasses by DC Electric Field
曾 杰 同济大学物理系上海 200092 
朱基千 同济大学物理系上海 200092
同济大学材料科学与工程学院上海 200092 
刘军芳 同济大学材料科学与工程学院上海 200092
同济大学先进土木工程材料教育部重点实验室上海 200092 
周 凯 同济大学物理系上海 200092 
摘要: 采用高温熔融法制备了20GaF3-15InF3-17CdF2-15ZnF2-20PbF2-10SnF2-3P2O5体系透明玻璃,并利用电场的诱导作用,对其微晶化进行了系统的研究。利用DSC、SEM、XRD等手段对材料进行了表征。结果表明,在热处理过程中加载一个静电场,能促进ZnF2晶粒的形成,其尺寸约为20~30 nm。而且发现,在正负电极至少有一个没有接触材料的情况下,电场也能在远低于析晶起始温度的恒温环境中起到诱导析晶作用。
关键词: 镓铟基氟磷玻璃  直流电场  电极  微晶化
Abstract: A transparent glass with the composition 20GaF3-15InF3-17CdF2-15ZnF2-20PbF2-10SnF2-3P2O5 was prepared by melt quenching method. And a systematic investigation on glass-ceramization in the system by electric field was carried out. The samples were characterized by DSC, SEM and XRD. The results show that the presence of an external electric field, during the heat treatment, can improve the formation of ZnF2 nanocrystals. And their dimensions are about 20~30 nm. This study demonstrates that when at least one electrode is isolated from the material, electric field can induce crystallization at temperature which is far lower than that of the onset of the crystallization peak as well.
Keywords: Ga/In based fluorophosphates glasses  DC electric field  electrode  glass-ceramization
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曾 杰,朱基千,刘军芳,周 凯.直流电场诱导下镓铟基氟磷玻璃的微晶化研究[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(10):1904-1908.
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