Progress in Luminescence Properties of Transition Metal and Lanthanide Heteronuclear Complexes
徐海兵 中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所新材料研发中心成都 621900
福建物质结构研究所结构化学国家重点实验室福州 350002 
陈忠宁 中国科学院福建物质结构研究所结构化学国家重点实验室福州 350002 
摘要: 借助于d-f能量传递,利用在可见区有很强电荷跃迁吸收的过渡金属有机发色团(d-block chromophore)作为稀土离子光捕获剂是本世纪初发展起来的获得高效敏化稀土发光的一条有效途径。为此,本文简要介绍稀土离子的相关电子特征和有机配体与稀土离子之间的能量传递简易模式;系统介绍了目前获得敏化稀土离子(近红外)发光的研究方法;重点介绍了d-f能量传递方面的研究成果及其在相关领域的应用。本文最后系统地介绍了本研究组近年来利用某些功能化的炔基桥联配体设计合成系列d-f异金属化合物在稀土发光材料方面的研究进展,并对该领域的研究热点和发展趋势作了初步展望。
关键词: 能量传递  敏化  稀土  近红外发射  d-f异金属化合物
Abstract: Using transition metal-organic chromophores with strong charge-transfer transitions as sensitizers for efficient lanthanide luminescence is a new approach developed during the past decade. This review article outlines briefly the relative electronic properties of lanthanide ions and the simplified energy transfer modes between organic ligands and lanthanide ions, and introduces systematically the approaches for efficient sensitized (near-infrared, NIR) lanthanide luminescence, and highlights the advances to achieve lanthanide luminescence through d-f energy transfer together with the applications in various fields. Particularly, recent progresses in our group are summarized concerning the designed syntheses of a series of d-f heteronuclear complexes with bifunctional acetylides as the bridging ligands for achieving lanthanide(Ⅲ) luminescence. Finally, the hot topics and the research trends on lanthanide luminescence in near future are discussed.
Keywords: energy transfer  sensitizer  lanthanide  near-infrared emission  d-f heteronuclear complexes
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