In-situ Remineralization of Dental Enamel Worked by Surface Functional Group
李兰英 暨南大学化学系广州 510632 
薛 博 暨南大学材料科学与工程系广州 510632 
李 红 暨南大学材料科学与工程系广州 510632 
张渊明 暨南大学化学系广州 510632 
摘要: 采用酸蚀后的牙釉质作为早期龋缺损模型,在缺损牙釉质表面修饰-SO3-功能基团,分别在人工唾液和含氟人工唾液中进行原位再矿化的研究。利用X-射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、透射电镜(TEM)、能谱仪(EDS)、选区电子衍射(SAED)研究原位再矿化晶体的组成和结构。结果表明,在人工唾液和含氟人工唾液中,表面修饰的官能团均可有效促进牙釉质再矿化。在含氟人工唾液中生成了沿c轴取向生长的具有较大长径比的棒状氟羟基磷灰石(FHA),这种FHA晶体具有类牙釉质的成分和结构,对修复早期龋有重要的意义。
关键词: 牙釉质  再矿化  人工唾液  氟羟基磷灰石
Abstract: An in-situ remineralization approach was applied on etched enamel surface as a superficial caries model. The model surface modified by -SO3- function group and the remineralization experiment worked in artificial saliva with the presence and absence of fluoride respectively. The composition and structure of the obtained crystals were characterized by XRD, SEM, TEM, SAED and EDS. The results revealed that modified functional group improved the remineralization of dental enamel effectively. The crystals grown in the artificial saliva with the presence of fluoride were rod-like fluorapatite (FHA) with high aspect ratio aligning along the c-axis, which were quite analogous to the natural enamel in chemical components and microarchitectural structure. The study has significance for the repair of superficial caries.
Keywords: dental enamel  remineralization  artificial saliva  fluoridated hydroxyapatie
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李兰英,薛 博,李 红,张渊明.表面官能团作用下的牙釉质原位再矿化研究[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(8):1536-1540.
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