Photoluminescence Properties of Cd3Al2Si3O12∶Eu3+ Amorphous Powder for White Light-Emitting Diodes
丛 妍 大连民族学院理学院大连 116600 
李 斌 中科院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所激发态重点实验室长春 130033 
刘东平 大连民族学院理学院大连 116600 
杨 杞 大连民族学院理学院大连 116600 
牛金海 大连民族学院理学院大连 116600 
摘要: 使用溶胶-凝胶法制备了Cd3Al2Si3O12∶Eu3+非晶体系红色荧光粉,并对其发光性质进行了研究。该荧光粉在Eu3+的位于394 nm的5L6能级和464 nm的5D2能级的激发下能够产生强的5D07F2的红光特征发光,最佳掺杂摩尔分数为25%。Cd3Al2Si3O12∶Eu3+荧光粉与传统的Y2O3∶Eu3+相比较,其发光强度是Y2O3∶Eu3+的2.4倍左右(在394和464 nm的激发下)。Cd3Al2Si3O12∶Eu3+的热稳定性好,比已经商业化的YAG∶Ce3+的热猝灭影响要小得多。所有这些结果表明Cd3Al2Si3O12∶Eu3+可作为暖白光LED用红色荧光粉。
关键词: 白光LED    溶胶-凝胶法  发光
Abstract: A phosphor Eu3+ doped Cd3Al2Si3O12 was prepared by a convenient sol-gel method. Under excitation either into the 5L6 state with 394 nm or the 5D2 state with 464 nm, the phosphor gives a red emission at 610 nm originating from 5D07F2 transition of Eu3+. The red emission of Cd3Al2Si3O12∶Eu3+ is about 2.4 times stronger than that of Y2O3∶Eu3+. The low thermal quenching effect makes phosphor Cd3Al2Si3O12∶Eu3+ a promising candidate for the phosphor-converted white LEDs.
Keywords: white LED  Eu3+  sol-gel method  luminescence
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丛 妍,李 斌,刘东平,杨 杞,牛金海.非晶红色荧光粉Cd3Al2Si3O12∶Eu3+的制备及发光性能[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(8):1503-1506.
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