Mixed Gold-Silver Clusters Possessing N-Heterocyclic Carbenes: Synthesis, Structural Characterization, and Cytotoxicity
陈 超 杭州师范大学材料和化学化工学院杭州 310036 
邱化玉 杭州师范大学材料和化学化工学院杭州 310036 
刘爱玲 浙江大学化学系杭州 310028 
陈 丹 浙江大学化学系杭州 310028 
汤谷平 浙江大学化学系杭州 310028 
陈万芝 浙江大学化学系杭州 310028 
摘要: 由[Ag3L2(CH3CN)2](PF6)3(1,L=bis(N-pyridylimidazoliumyl)methane)通过金属转移反应合成了含有氮杂环卡宾配体的金银混合原子簇化合物,[Au2AgL2(CH3CN)2](PF6)3(2)和[Au4AgL4](PF6)5(3),用X-射线单晶衍射确定了23的晶体结构。化合物12结构相同,3个金属原子三角形排列。化合物3中5个金属原子呈链状排列,其中银原子居于中间。这些化合物在室温下分别在417,415和457 cm-1处表现荧光。用MTT实验方法研究了对HuH7,C6和A375肿瘤细胞的毒性,其毒性顺序为1>2>3与这些化合物中银含量顺序相一致。
关键词:     咪唑盐  N-杂环卡宾  原子簇  细胞毒性
Abstract: Gold and silver clusters, [Au2AgL2(CH3CN)2](PF6)3 (2, L=bis(N-pyridylimidazoliumyl)methane) and [Au4AgL4](PF6)5(3), have been synthesized from [Ag3L2(CH3CN)2](PF6)3(1) via transmetallation reactions, and their structures were determined by X-ray diffraction analysis. Complexes 1 and 2 are isostructural with each other consisting of triangular metallic rings showing weak metal-metal interaction. Complex 3 is a chain compound with the silver atom located in between two Au2 units. All the complexes are luminescent in their solid states at room temperature. The cytotoxicities of the complexes were investigated by MTT assay. The results show that all these complexes are toxic to HuH7, C6, and A375 tumor cells, and the toxicity order is 1 > 2 > 3 consistent with the silver content in these complexes. CCDC: 724081, 2; 724083, 3.
Keywords: gold  silver  cluster  N-heterocyclic carbene  cytotoxicity
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陈 超,邱化玉,刘爱玲,陈 丹,汤谷平,陈万芝.金和银氮杂环卡宾原子簇化合物的合成结构与细胞毒性研究(英文)[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(7):1423-1430.
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