Preparation and Luminescent Characteristics of Yellow Phosphor Ba(Y1-0.5x-yAly)2S4:xHo3+ for White LED
赵君风 湖南师范大学化学化工学院资源精细化与先进材料湖南省高校重点实验室长沙 410081 
陈 茜 湖南师范大学化学化工学院资源精细化与先进材料湖南省高校重点实验室长沙 410081 
荣春英 湖南师范大学化学化工学院资源精细化与先进材料湖南省高校重点实验室长沙 410081
余丽萍 湖南师范大学化学化工学院资源精细化与先进材料湖南省高校重点实验室长沙 410081
廉世勋 湖南师范大学化学化工学院资源精细化与先进材料湖南省高校重点实验室长沙 410081
摘要: 采用高温固相法合成了Ba(Y1-0.5x-yAly)2S4:xHo3+系列荧光粉。在465 nm蓝光激发下,荧光粉的发射光谱呈多谱带发射,主峰位于492、543和661 nm处,分别对应于Ho3+5F35I8,(5S2,5F4)→5I85F55I8跃迁发射。研究了Ho3+和Al3+掺杂量对BaY2S4∶Ho3+发光性能的影响。结果表明,随着Ho3+掺杂量的逐渐增大,荧光粉的发光颜色由绿色逐渐向红色转变;适量Al3+取代Y3+可以提高BaY2S4∶Ho3+荧光粉的发光强度。荧光粉Ba(Y0.665Al0.3)2S4∶0.07Ho3+在蓝光(465 nm)激发下发射黄光,是一种潜在的白光LED用黄色荧光粉。
关键词: BaY2S4∶Ho3+  黄色荧光粉  Al3+  白光LED
Abstract: The Ba(Y1-0.5x-yAly)2S4:xHo3+ phosphors were synthesized by a high temperature solid-state reaction method. Under the excitation of 465 nm, the emission spectra of these phosphors exhibit three sharp emission lines peaked at about 492, 543 and 661 nm corresponding to 5F35I8,(5S2,5F4)→5I8 and 5F55I8 typical transitions of Ho3+, respectively. The luminescent color of singly doping phosphor BaY2S4xHo3+ can be tuned from green to red with increasing the molar amount of Ho3+. The relative luminescent intensities of these phosphors are enhanced by replacing Y3+ ions in BaY2S4 crystal with an appropriate amount of Al3+ ions. Phosphor Ba(Y0.665Al0.3)2S4∶0.07Ho3+ emits yellow light under 465 nm excitation, which indicate it is a potential applied yellow phosphor for white LED.
Keywords: BaY2S4∶Ho3+  yellow phosphor  Al3+  white LED
摘要点击次数:  1769
全文下载次数:  1993
赵君风,陈 茜,荣春英,余丽萍,廉世勋.白光LED用黄色荧光粉Ba(Y1-0.5x-yAly)2S4:xHo3+的合成和发光特性[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(7):1363-1367.
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