Electrocatalytic Oxidation of Glucose at Ti/NanoTiO2-ZrO2 Electrode
方文彦 淮南师范学院化学与化工系淮南 232001 
王凤武 淮南师范学院化学与化工系淮南 232001 
徐 迈 淮南师范学院化学与化工系淮南 232001 
朱传高 淮南师范学院化学与化工系淮南 232001 
魏亦军 淮南师范学院化学与化工系淮南 232001 
朱其永 淮南师范学院化学与化工系淮南 232001 
摘要: 在无水乙醇和乙酰丙酮混合溶液中,电解Ti金属制得前驱体Ti(OCH2CH3)4-y(acac)y,再加入ZrCl4,将上述溶液直接水解、干燥后,在450 ℃煅烧2 h,粉体通过X射线衍射(XRD)分析表明:纳米TiO2-ZrO2粉体呈单分散结构。扫描电子显微镜(SEM)测试表明,颗粒平均尺寸为30~40 nm。通过溶胶-凝胶法制得高活性的Ti/NanoTiO2-ZrO2修饰电极,采用循环伏安研究发现,Ti/NanoTiO2-ZrO2电极对葡萄糖氧化具有高催化活性。在NaBr电解液中,Br-在Ti/NanoTiO2-ZrO2电极表面氧化为Br2,Br2间接电氧化葡萄糖。
关键词: 电合成  金属醇盐  葡萄糖  Ti/NanoTiO2-ZrO2修饰电极
Abstract: Nano-crystalline TiO2-ZrO2 powder was prepared by a direct hydrolysis method and then calcining for 2 h at 450 ℃ from the precursor Ti (OCH2CH3)4-y(acac)y synthesized by electrolysis of titanium in absolute ethanol and acetyl-acetone solution followed by addition of ZrCl4. XRD and SEM results show that the Nano-TiO2-ZrO2 of 30~40 nm is obtained. The highly active Ti/NanoTiO2-ZrO2 modified electrode was prepared by a sol-gel method. The results of cyclic voltammetry show that Ti/NanoTiO2-ZrO2 modified electrode exhibits high electrocatalytic activity for electro-oxidation of glucose. In the NaBr electrolyte, Br- is oxidized to Br2 electrode on the Ti/NanoTiO2-ZrO2 modified electrode surface. Glucose is indirectly electro-oxidized by Br2.
Keywords: Ti/nanoTiO2-ZrO2 electrode  electro-catalysis  electrosynthesis  glucose
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方文彦,王凤武,徐 迈,朱传高,魏亦军,朱其永.葡萄糖在Ti/NanoTiO2-ZrO2修饰电极上电催化氧化[J].无机化学学报,2011,27(6):1155-1159.
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